DYPA Launches Innovative Training Initiative Offering a €400 Support Grant


Beneficiaries of the project are unemployed, registered in the DYPA Digital Register, who belong to all categories of EEE beneficiaries (single-person households, multi-person households and homeless). The total budget of the project amounts to 151,666,000 euros and is charged to the budget of DYPA. The project is divided into two actions:

Skill upgrade

A. Continuing Professional Training Program that concerns training and certification in high demand sectors. The Action concerns up to 10,000 unemployed people, registered in the DYPA Digital Register, who are beneficiaries of the EEE, have been referred to businesses by the DYPA employment advisors and have been pre-selected by them. The upgrading of skills is implemented through the provision of lifelong vocational training programs, lasting 80 hours, until December 2024. The training of the beneficiaries is followed by certification of the acquired knowledge and skills. The cost per hour of training for training providers is set at 4.5 euros (360 euros in total), which includes the cost to cover the trainees’ insurance contributions. For trainees, the training allowance is set at 5 euros per hour of training (a total of 400 euros), not including insurance contributions.

B. Employment Program concerning the creation of 10,000 new full-time jobs over 12 months in private sector enterprises. Beneficiaries who completed the said training program and received certification will be hired. The eligible costs are given in the form of a grant (with a maximum limit of 1,118 euros per month) per beneficiary and concern salary and non-salary costs for twelve months of full-time employment, including monthly gross earnings, employer insurance contributions, as well as Christmas holiday allowances and Easter and leave allowance. Businesses wishing to join the program should submit an electronic application for affiliation/funding to the Unified Digital Portal of the Public Administration gov.gr immediately after its announcement by DYPA.

Getting to know the DYPA schools in Thessaloniki

The Public Employment Service (DYPA) invites the young men and women of Thessaloniki to the event “Open Day – Meet the Schools of DYPA”, which it organizes on Sunday and Monday, September 8-9, from 11:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Aristotelous Square.

This is the 8th “Open Schools” event of DYPA and the 2nd organized in an open space after the corresponding one in Athens, which was held in Syntagma Square last April. The “Open Day” events are aimed at informing students and parents about the operation of DYPA’s free schools throughout Greece and the philosophy of the dual system applied in the Apprenticeship Vocational Schools (which combines theoretical and laboratory training in the classroom with apprenticeship program – work experience).

They also provide the opportunity to be informed about the prospects that are open for EPAS students and students who will choose Higher Vocational Training Schools (SAEK), as they gain practical experience working in companies, strengthen their professional profile and gain direct contact with the their industry, while creating a professional network of contacts that facilitates their rapid integration into the labor market.

«Open Day»

At a time when businesses report difficulty finding staff with knowledge and skills in technical professions, the “Open Day” event in Thessaloniki is an opportunity to inform young people, parents and businesses in the city and the wider region about DYPA schools and for the study programs, which are updated with the cooperation of university institutions such as the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as companies that are leaders in their field of activity.

DYPA has initiated a process of building-energy upgrading and equipping its school laboratories with resources of over 143 million euros from the Recovery and Resilience Fund and adjusts the study programs on an annual basis, with the aim of strengthening their connection with the needs of labor market to facilitate the rapid absorption of graduates into stable and quality jobs. All the information on the benefits, specializations and registrations in the Apprenticeship Vocational Schools (EPAS) and the Higher Vocational Training Schools (SAEK) of DYPA can be found on the schools’ new website: schools.dypa.gov.gr.

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