Dying from your job today, Investigation into occupational cancers (Anne Marchand)

2023-12-20 11:20:46

Hairdressers, construction workers, mechanics, cleaners, but also laboratory workers, agricultural workers, manicurists, veterinarians or subcontractors in nuclear power plants, apprentices, etc. Many employees are unaware that they may be among the millions of people exposed to carcinogens in the workplace.. And if they do have cancer, they usually don’t know that it may have its origins in their past work. The disease most often occurs decades following being in contact with carcinogens (up to fifty years in the case of asbestos).

Read also Work is not health

In this investigative book, sociologist and historian Anne Marchand recalls that cancer is the leading cause of work-related deaths in Europe. If the existence of work-related cancers is underestimated, or even ignored, if this reality remains invisible, it is therefore also because these cancers, failing to be declared and recognized as occupational diseases, are referred to the private sphere. , without appearing in the statistics of the world of work”, points out the author, also co-director of the Scientific Interest Group on cancers of occupational origin in Seine-Saint-Denis (Giscop93). This phenomenon of under-reporting is therefore both one of the symptoms and one of the causes of the social invisibility of carcinogenic risks at work. ” If they remain in the shadows, how can we then make these cancers preventable, in the same way as those linked to tobacco or alcohol on which the spotlight is focused? she asks herself. Reflecting lives poisoned by work, this work thus wishes to contribute to the debate on the urgent and necessary ecological bifurcation, so that a future is still possible for us. “Indeed, it’s urgent.

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