Dutronc and Renaud reveal who they will vote for in the presidential election

On RTL France, Jacques Dutronc announced that he would give his voice to “Roussellement”, that is to say to the communist candidate Fabien Roussel. “The latter invented this term in opposition to the ‘runoff’ that Emmanuel Macron would defendsaid the radio. This economic theory would consist in not hampering the wealthiest with taxes too much so that, through their investments, the wealth flows from the wealthiest to the working classes.

As for Renaud, following giving his voice to Macron in 2017 (incurring the wrath of his fans), the singer returns to his first love. “The first round, I choose the most extreme left candidate, almost an ‘anar’ (anarchist, editor’s note), Philippe Poutou. In the second round, I will vote once morest Le Pen”.

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