Dutch State Lottery Brings New Year’s Cheer with Multi-Million Euro Wins
The Dutch State Lottery brought in the new year with a bang, awarding life-changing prizes in its recent New Year’s Eve draw. Tickets sold in Bladel and Heemskerk split a whopping €30 million jackpot [[1](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMivwFBVV95cUxNdHcwVlRfVlp2b1hjQVVsLU90OVZ3NkNiLXRESmdiLXN6QzFwdEhTWnUtN3dkcEpkdXZMRHlKaS1IbUtDdjUxOGdqR3J6SC1YcVUxNGtQYnR4S1YwazZXWkp1QV9FN3dBU1hYQklJRU0tSWtSa2tkSVBuZUNFOFdRZDhYN0ZKdVlnT0diNkktd0FiV1YtcVpwUkR1NktxeHFERnhDeWZnZVNKSDBXZWNZcXJ3RFhWYnF3cXV2TV9Kcw?oc=5)]. Another lucky individual won €15 million in Bladel [[2](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMiswFBVV95cUxNMTlZTVNYWVdSYXcyaFd5Y1JSbjhjdVUxVnRIbzNBbTZXWkszMXlyUlhDUzBlclQyQVZxcTF0TjdSVjJ1SUNVT3J2ZHBTUmdIT0tWUXFFSkljcXhFTEZpZDU1T0xHSGFCRjM0VTdJOE41WldCTHhXUTlQQVlaQUl3VWlGQ0tJZlR3V29VdVVjTExhdE53a08zZkI3aVQ3cWZuNF84QXVXWlh2Z1VjcVAtNEVNNA?oc=5)]. The winning numbers continue to spark excitement and speculation across the country. As the holiday season draws to a close, many are reflecting on their chances of winning the lottery. News outlets like Radar have explored the probabilities, highlighting the sheer luck involved in hitting the jackpot [[3](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMimAFBVV95cUxQNElKTUV5UnFGb3VRLWItU0JYeFpXckExU2ExRC1GaFpDdXJhbWNfSzI0bzFYUkN2NWpTZ28wdnJuMFRVbk1rdVFzWjFHRmlWSnVDQXl4UUU1eFpkM180MjVhNzR1SUtBQ3JQcU9oNzR2aHU0UTdqVERxMU5LSmhfLXdYa2YzNGF3UDZRNGRqdThjcHkyeGtYNw?oc=5)]. And while excitement mounts for those who hold winning tickets, others are left wondering if they missed out. For businesses across the Netherlands, especially those selling lottery tickets in the days leading up to the draw, the question remains constant: “Do you sell lottery tickets too?” [[4](https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMigwFBVV95cUxONnozODZWUzl3eUNlemdBa1Rod295cXZDMlVuMkFwa25adzlJcS1rTGtRY3c1X0JXNFFqQ3hnTVVlWlVPeXJlcGowcWN6QzcwQkMwYmJ4c3VlWXVZLWtSZFV1c3lJbFJudjc1MFo5SFAxZGQzQS15Z25yVjY2TjVoOU4yRQ?oc=5)]“No keywords in URL” means that the specific keywords you’re targeting for a webpage are not included in the webpage’s URL. [[1](https://help.dragonmetrics.com/en/articles/213974-no-keywords-in-url)]
This is considered crucial as many beleive that search engines use keywords within a URL as a ranking signal.
Therefore, if your target keywords aren’t in the URL, you might be missing an possibility to tell search engines what your page is about, perhaps affecting its position in search results. [[1](https://help.dragonmetrics.com/en/articles/213974-no-keywords-in-url)]
While the provided search result mentions a “Digital News Editor” using the Musely AI news article generator [[1](https://musely.ai/tools/news-article-generator)], it doesn’t offer details about conducting interviews.
To create a professional interview for Archyde, you’ll need to follow conventional journalistic practices. This involves:
1. **Researching your guest:** Understand their background, expertise, and perspectives on the topic. 2. **Developing insightful questions:** Craft open-ended questions that encourage thoughtful responses and delve deeper into the subject matter.
3. **Scheduling the interview:** Coordinate a suitable time and platform (e.g.,phone,video call) for the conversation.
4. **Actively listening and engaging:** During the interview, attentively listen to your guest’s answers and ask follow-up questions to clarify or explore their points further.
5. **Recording and transcribing:** Record the interview for accuracy and transcribe it for post-production.
6. **Editing and structuring:** Review the transcript, edit for clarity and conciseness, and structure the interview into a compelling narrative.
Remember, a good interview goes beyond simply asking questions; it’s about creating a meaningful conversation and allowing your guest’s voice to shine through.