During the battle for the perch, the one for Matignon continued: Laurence Tubiana ready to go

Olivier Faure proposed to decide between Hughette Bello and Laurence Tubiana by a vote.

The battle for the perch put the battle for Matignon on hold for a few hours.

A battle for Matignon essentially observed through the prism of the left. and tensions within the New Popular Front, a group that came out on top in the second round of legislative elections but where, since then, they have not been able to agree on a name. To the great displeasure of the elections that cast their votes for this coalition.

“It’s time for commitment”

And on this Thursday of the return to the National Assembly, no real progress on this front. One notable fact however: Laurence Tubiana, who was considered by a part of the New Popular Front for the post of Prime Minister, spoke this Thursday, July 18 in an interview granted to Agence France-Presse.

“I’m not asking for anything, but it’s the moment of commitment and that suits me” The 73-year-old academic, who came from civil society in his capacity as a diplomat and economist, first wanted to clarify.

Too “Macron-compatible”?

Then she added: “When there is a political crisis, you have to respond. There is a need for a person from the left, if it has to be me, I will do it.”which has the merit of clarity about its own intentions.

The opportunity to recall that if his name and, therefore, now, his candidacy, are carried by the socialist party, the ecologists and the communist party, it is not the same for the Insoumis who refute it. Too moderate, or too much “Macron-compatible”according to the versions heard from La France Insoumise. She claims to have “refused three or four times to enter the government under Emmanuel Macron, because I disagreed with his policies”.

Tubiana does not want to see the pension reform implemented

In this interview, Laurence Tubiana nevertheless assured that her “compass” would remain “the program of the New Popular Front”. In particular, she argued for the repeal of the law on immigration, or for a “relaunch of social dialogue on salaries”.

As for the pension reform: “We must repeal the reform, freeze it, whatever we want, but we are not implementing it,” she said.

Faure wants a vote, not Panot

That said, it was Olivier Faure who, on Thursday morning, on BFMTV/RMC, proposed his solution: “When we can’t move forward, there is a fairly simple way in democracy to decide between candidates: it’s voting. And no one should be afraid of democracy,” he said. And he proposed to decide between the two “potential” candidates that “were put on the table.” Those of Hughette Bello (proposed by the communist Fabien Roussel and supported by LFI), and Laurence Tubiana.

But this Thursday, the leader of the LFI deputies, Mathilde Panot, reiterated her opposition to a vote of this type.



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