During February.. “IRINI” monitored 25 suspicious flights to Libya

The European naval operation “IRINI” announced that it had monitored 25 suspicious flights out of 1,131 flights to Libya during February.

In its monthly report, the operation indicated that, during February, it carried out 9 visits to naval ships out of 434 ships, and made radio calls with 271 ships out of 8,647 ships that passed on average towards Libya.

The operation added that it continues to monitor 25 airports, landing strips, and 16 sea and oil ports, and that it has inspected one ship out of 78 ships.

The operation referred to the submission of 41 special reports to the United Nations Panel of Experts, bearing information on the arms embargo and oil smuggling activities in the west and east of the country.

It is noteworthy that the European Union launched Operation IRINI on March 31, 2020, with a mandate from the UN Security Council, and with the contribution of 24 countries from the European Union.

According to Europe, IRINI aims to impose an arms embargo on Libya in implementation of United Nations Resolution No. 2292 of 2016 in this regard, in addition to confronting human and oil smuggling networks, and carrying out training tasks for the Libyan Coast Guard and Navy.

Source: European naval operation “IRINI” + Libya Al-Ahrar

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