‘During Covid, shopping was my medicine. I still have clothes in my wardrobe with tags that I bought during that time’ – The Irish Times

The Spending Chronicles of Lana Dullaghan

Welcome, esteemed readers, to the rollercoaster ride that is the financial psyche of Lana Dullaghan, a graduate from the Interior Design Academy of Ireland. She’s been busy making her mark and will be gracing the PTSB Ideal Home Show at the RDS in Dublin from October 18th to 20th, showing us all how to dress our homes! Yes, you heard me right. It’s not just a home; it’s a fashion statement!

Are You a Saver or a Spender?

Lana, it seems, has given her bank account no reason to breathe! She’s a self-proclaimed spender, with an eye for fashion and lovely home décor. It’s tough to save when you’re drowning in beauty, isn’t it? But hey, it sounds like she’s not just splurging aimlessly—she’s also dabbling in investing. One foot in the high heels of luxury and the other in the business school, Lana is making it work!

Shopping Habits: The Hunt for Value

When asked if she shopped around for better value, Lana has the solution to the age-old debate over impulse buying—self-justification! If she likes something, it’s practically her duty to buy it. “Treat yourself,” says the inner monologue, while the bank account quietly weeps in the corner. Honestly, it’s tough being fabulous!

The Art of Extravagance

Her most extravagant purchase? A treasure trove of Irish art! Now that’s what I call a statement. And let’s face it, when you’ve spent who knows how much on art, it’s probably for the best if you don’t keep a tally. Ignorance is bliss, especially when it comes to the wallet. Think of it as a modern-day Impressionist masterpiece—full of mystery and colour!

Covid-19: The Comfort of Consumerism

During the lockdown, shopping became her form of therapy! “I still have clothes in my wardrobe with tags,” she confesses. Well, bless her heart! If shopping was a medicine, she’d be the healthiest person in the room. Who needs therapy when you can buy your way through a crisis? Just remember, those tags are just tiny little reminders of your glorious escapism.

The Price of Negotiation

Haggling over prices? Not Lana! She respects the artist’s journey and the work behind her beloved products. How refreshing! Maybe she’s got an inner accountant who just wants to see everyone smile… or perhaps she’s simply terrified of confrontation. Either way, you know Lana wouldn’t be caught dead trying to get two euro off a beautiful vase!

Changing Times: The Post-Covid Spend-O-Meter

After the pandemic, our dear Lana has made a radical shift! Mindful spending? The horror! Next thing you know, she’ll be using a budget planner and listening to financial podcasts. But to her credit, taking a pause before making purchases is the adult thing to do, I suppose—unless, of course, the item goes on sale. Then all bets are off!

Investments, Gambling, and Those Pesky Bills

When asked if she invests in shares, Lana gives us a resounding “not yet!” It seems our girl isn’t quite ready to delve into the crazy world of stock exchanges and market volatility. And let’s talk about losing money—she’s lost some as a businesswoman but remains ever the optimist. Challenges? Just character-building exercises, right? Sounds like the world could use a bit of her positivity!

Is Money Important?

Money, money, money—it’s a rich man’s world, or so the song goes. But for Lana, it’s much more about passion over pounds. Believe it or not, she’s not counting coins in her spare time! She’s got her sights on joy and passion, letting the cash flow in like a tide. Someone cue the applause!

So How Much Cash is Lana Carrying?

A little birdie tells me Lana is sporting €5, €20, and €50 notes. In her defence, it’s probably easier to flash the card—this isn’t Monopoly, darling! But hey, whatever floats your boat, as long as you can still buy a latte or two in style!


So there you have it, folks. The spending saga of Lana Dullaghan, a whirlwind of chic choices and a sprinkle of practicality. Will she eventually tame her shopper’s soul? Only time will tell. Till then, she’s dancing the delightful dance of décor—one extravagant purchase at a time!

And if you want to catch her live, remember to swing by the PTSB Ideal Home Show from October 18th to 20th! You might just leave with a budget or at the very least, inspiration for home décor that doesn’t just whisper but *screams* style at your guests.



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