During 2022.. Learn about the most prominent findings of science about Mars

The following report reviews 5 facts regarding the red planet that scientists have reached this year:

Mars voice
NASA’s Mars rover “Perseverance” recorded the sound of the Martian surface’s quiet surface captured from its thin atmosphere.

Scientists called the recorded sound “dust devils”, which are different speeds and change with the change of seasons and the concentration of carbon dioxide in its atmosphere.

Liquid magma
Seismic activity recorded by NASA’s Insight Lander has revealed that there may be pockets full of magma operating beneath the surface of the Red Planet.

A Martian earthquake revealed the movement of mineral pockets under the planet’s crust, different from the movement of solid minerals, which indicates that they are liquid, and raises the possibility of their support for life under the surface of the planet as a result of the heat emitted from them.

The researchers used the research data to measure the size of the planet’s core, which has a diameter of 3,620 km. According to the scientific journal “Cosmos”.

The possibility of ancient life
In addition, French researchers also used advanced computer models that show that the surface of Mars 4 billion years ago contained liquid water from time to time.

Their research indicated that the environmental and chemical conditions on Mars at the time were capable of supporting methane-producing life in the form of microbes.

Oldest Martian comet
This year, researchers used an artificial intelligence program to determine the source of the oldest Martian comet that collided with Earth millions of years ago, and formed the “Black Beauty” rock discovered in Africa in 2011, weighing 320 kilograms.

The supercomputer “Bauzi” in Australia was able to determine the source of the comet on Mars, which is now called “Carratha Crater”.

Possible presence of liquid water
In 2022, a research series was also published discussing the possibility of liquid water under the surface of Mars, which opens the way for the possibility of current alien life on the planet.

The researchers concluded that water existed on Mars billions of years ago, from the effects of rivers and lakes on its surface.

Scientists also discovered evidence of a liquid lake under the ice of Mars in 2018, then found new evidence in 2022, but what they found is still a matter of debate.

And the year 2023 can reveal the whole truth, in light of the intensification of research and sending expeditions to the red planet.



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