Duque Sounds Alarm: Colombian Leader Warns of Potential SEBIN Threat Against Vocal Venezuelan Opposition Figure Machado

The former president of Colombia, Ivan Duquepointed out the administration of Nicolás Maduro and warned that Miraflores is trying to attack the integrity of María Corina Machado.

The former president pointed out in an interview with NTN24 that an “illegal detention and an attempt on his life by Sebin” was being planned.

“There are strong rumors that in the coming weeks the integrity and freedom of María Corina Machado could be at serious risk, since an illegal detention and an attempt on her life by the Sebin would be planned”he added.

In Duque’s opinion, if this happens, it would show “the interest of the dictatorship to silence any voice that represents a threat to its interests and that represents the genuine cry of a people who want to shake off the opprobrium of the dictatorship so that institutional order can be restored”.

Given his warnings, Duke asked for protection for Machado.

Recently, Maduro has attacked Machado’s political party, Vente Venezuela, pointing out that its members try to end their lives. To date, at least seven leaders are detained.

This Tuesday, the leader of the ruling party accused the organization of serving as a “terrorist movement”a fact that generated repudiation in the opposition.

#Iván #Duque #warns #SEBIN #plan #attack #Machado


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