Duki’s Heartwarming Gesture in Córdoba: A Look at the Artist’s Emotional Moment and Generosity Towards a Fan

2023-11-30 22:40:00

“Saturday is going to arrive, on Saturday I’m going to get on, I’m going to do the show and when I get off there I’m not even going to fall. And that fact does make me a little afraid of that, of burning through so many stages and that there is no longer a next stephe added.

At that moment you might already see the artist’s teary eyes and he continued as best he might: “I think it’s the problem of why older people go crazy, you see. There comes a time when you do everything you want, you accomplish everything you want. That’s why I try to have a fairly calm and ordinary life, you see? ?

“Because if you reach a moment in which you have whatever you want, there is no room for frustration, there is no reason to be happy or to get up because you already have everything. So I think part of the anguish I have is rooted in that. “It’s going to be two days and it’s going to get out of hand and I don’t know if I want it to be now.”, He was completely bankrupt and had to leave the place.

Duki’s nice gesture with a young woman whose cell phone was stolen in the middle of the show: “Afterwards…”

After the recent premiere of one of his most anticipated songs, hARAkiRi, Duki surprised with a nice gesture towards a fan in the middle of a show in Córdobawhere it had last been performed in 2019.

The singer detected from the stage that a young woman was crying following her cell phone was stolen during his show and stopped the recital to speak to the audience.

“I want to thank you all for coming. To those people who have something happen to them and feel bad, a thousand apologies, it was not on purpose”said Duki following observing what had happened.

“No one wants him to pass, if I had seen him I would grab him by the hair and take him out if I saw that he was stealing”remarked the artist.

And then he spoke to the young woman who had been robbed and made himself available to give her a new phone: “To the blonde girl I saw who was crying, the last thing I want is for you to get sick.”

“If you later show up here with people, I’ll send you a cell phone, I’ll replace it crazy. To the girl who was crying, let her come over later and I’ll replace her cell phone.”the young rapper told him.

“We are many people and in a second you can make someone else have a bad night”the singer closed before continuing with the recital.

#Dukis #strong #anguish #led #leave #press #conference #breaking #tears



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