Duhalde challenges Máximo Kirchner and wants to lead the Buenos Aires PJ: “Peronism has been usurped”

The ex-president eduardo duhalde caused surprise by announcing this Thursday, January 19, that he is already working “to lead” the Justicialist Party of the province of Buenos Aires, and maintained that “it has been usurped”, an accusation that might be interpreted once morest Maximum Kirchner.

A native of Lomas de Zamora, Duhalde seeks to wrest control of Buenos Aires Peronism from Máximo Kirchner and place the party at the service of “a grand coalition with the other political forces”.

The leader of La Cámpora has presided over the Buenos Aires PJ since December 18, 2021, although his elevation was resisted and prosecuted by the mayor of Esteban Echeverría, Fernando Gray, who aspired to the same position.

Why is there no succession in Peronism?

Through a video posted on his social networks, he expressed: “I want to tell you that I am starting to work to lead the justicialismo of the Province of Buenos Aires. Our colleagues are without leadership.”

“Peronism has been usurped, it is being resolved in Court but it is necessary that we get to work for that,” said the former president.

Eduardo Duhalde. Photo: Video capture.

In the words of Duhalde, within Peronism “everyone is fighting with everyone” and he proposed: “We have to put an end to that and quickly, once it is organized, unite in a great coalition with the other political forces as we always did.”

“There is no way out in Argentina if we keep fighting. All together, let’s put together a great coalition, “he finally said and left an unknown:” I’ll talk regarding this later.

Chiche Duhalde is also in the campaign and wants to “revitalize” the manzaneras

The former senator and wife of the former president, Chiche Duhaldeagreed with her husband’s statements, and this Thursday in an interview she defined Argentina as “an uncontrolled, disorganized country, with no respect for the institutions” and assured that “Peronism is not represented by (Vice President) Cristina Kirchner and the Buenos Aires PJ was usurped by (the leader of La Cámpora) Máximo Kirchner“.

“The only alternative that Argentina has for a serious exit is that the different parties of the political arc may be considering seven or eight State policies and that the one who has to govern commits to carry them out,” he said in dialogue with Radio Rivadaviain line with what Duhalde proposes.

Recalling the work carried out by the so-called “manzaneras” during her husband’s administration in the Buenos Aires Governor’s Office, she said that she aspires to re-assemble that neighborhood network that knew how to combat child malnutrition: “I am working with many manzaneras from different places, because I believe that the network must be revitalizedfor this and other problems”,

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