Due to the exchange crisis, companies also have to pay with dollars for local inputs

2023-10-12 04:26:00

The currency crisiswith the dollar blue above the $1,000 barrier, generated a paralysis in the supply of inputspieces and parts and products for national productiongiven the decision of the suppliers of freeze the stockdue to the fear of the loss of value of their merchandise due to the uncertainty of a devaluation jump. That scene, which is repeated every time a pre-electoral dollarization process is accentuated, added a novelty: the few sales what they agreed during the last week they had to be done with dollar bill.

Members of the leadership of the Argentine Industrial Union (UIA) confirmed to PROFILE that “what is being seen these days is the absence of prices on products, freezing of deliveries and extreme care of the stock”. “They only appear if you put dollars in”, assured the owner of a factory with headquarters in three Argentine provinces and that exports part of its production. Unlike the last exchange rate run prior to the primary elections and the post-STEP devaluation, when there was no meaningless price or remarking, currently The few sellers in the market are hedged in North American currencies.

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It is scenery It is described by businessmen as of “panic”. Although the private sector had prepared for an exchange rate shock, it was left out of position with a early start of the “uncontrolled” rise of the dollar. “There is a bit of panic, because the bullfight was not expected for this moment; yes for after the elections“, admitted a UIA source. There the climate is “uncertainty” and of “bewilderment”. It happens that there is a lack of dollars to pay for imports, now to buy national goods, but They cannot make strong claims “for fear of being opposed to (Sergio) Massawho is a candidate.”

frozen imports

“Imports are almost not authorized. They asked us to do a criticality list within the critical inputs report. “We are on the edge of the abyss,” he confessed to PROFILE the boss of one of the most representative entities of the business sector. However, the decision is “avoid public conflict”why “the authorizations that arrive in dribs and drabs are going to disappear.” if there is a complaint for more severe restrictions than those contemplated, or for changes in the payment date.”

“The Government was promoting this uncertainty“, not allowing SIRA to be drawn with payment dates met,” accused one of the members of the management of the factory. It happens that the untimely change of payment dates for imports stipulated for the weeks following the STEP became frequent in recent days. “Last week, The AFIP validator did not work for three days and they didn’t let them pay anything. From there they began to reschedule SIRA payment dates for 65 more days,” they noted.

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“This week, when you sent the SIRA to be paid, you found that the payment date had disappeared and they wouldn’t let you pay. How do you want the market to be calm with the run on the dollar, if no one knows a replacement price? The truth is, this is crazy,” he bluntly defined an industrialist whose operability is at its limit. Something that the automotive industry is going through General Motorswhat It is still waiting for supplies that will allow it to resume activity at its Rosario plant.paralyzed by the lack of imported spare parts.

Pre-ballot devaluation?

“If the dollar continues to rise, they are going to have to devalue something to reach the ballot.”if Massa manages to get into the second round,” analyzed a businessman, who closely follows the quotes to highlight and avoid a loss due to the increase in costs. The “danger” of hyperinflation is “increasingly latent”, according to the same source. For now, the red circle has already predicted a shortage effect, which will be used to activate a general increase in prices.

The construction situation is “very complex”as defined by one of the leaders of the Argentine Chamber of Construction (Camarco). However, paralysis due to non-payment did not exist, until now, although There are delays in public works due to lack of inputs at times of exchange rate run. “This escalation with the dollar to $1,000 generated suppliers do not deliver products. If things calm down in the next few days, there will be new deliveries, but they will all be controlled,” he told PROFILE a benchmark in the sector.

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As this media learned, there are currently many companies with “high stress stock. Some have already notified the Government, through different means, that there could be paralysis in some points. “There is no news,” the Ministry of Commerce responded to a multinational, who warned that The lack of inputs in the first link of production would generate suspensions in personnel.


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