Duck Eggs: The Nutritional Powerhouse for Weight Loss and Fat Control

2023-10-09 16:06:40

Eggs are very nutritious, but duck eggs are even more nutritious! Duck eggs contain more Omega-3 fatty acids and more than 6 times the vitamin D of eggs. Duck eggs can also effectively improve the absorption and utilization of calcium, making them a better choice for people who want to lose fat and control their weight.

Eating 2 eggs a day will make you less hungry

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There are many ways to cook eggs, such as hard-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, double-sided half-boiled eggs, Italian-style baked eggs… No matter which method is used to cook eggs, the important thing is that following cracking the eggshell, you may get additional fat loss benefits.

A study published in the journal Nutrients found that participants who ate two eggs per day (compared to the same amount of oatmeal calories) had lower concentrations of the hormone ghrelin between meals. From a subjective perspective, egg eaters also claim to feel less hungry throughout the day.

Eggs (especially egg yolks) are an excellent source of B vitamins, choline, zinc and vitamin D. By the way, vitamin D is a powerful hormone in the body, affecting processes including the immune system, preventing cancer, controlling blood sugar, and of course, losing fat.

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New data published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveal that over a year-long study, women with higher vitamin D concentrations lost more weight, nearly twice as much body fat, and shrunk an average of 4 inches waist. To improve vitamin D concentrations, it’s not just healthy sun exposure that’s important; dietary sources are also important.

Duck eggs are more nutritious than chicken eggs

Duck eggs are another excellent egg food because they contain a higher proportion of anti-inflammatory Omega-3 fatty acids than eggs. Duck eggs also contain more than 6 times the vitamin D of eggs!

In the “Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry”, a study highlighted a particularly noteworthy point regarding duck eggs. The study found that the amino acids in duck eggs can significantly improve the body’s absorption and utilization of calcium. What is important is not only the content of the food. Nutrients, but whether the body can use them quickly.

Improve calcium absorption and reduce fat more effectively

As mentioned in a study cited in the journal “Obesity Reviews”, calcium is another nutrient important for fat loss. The study arranged subjects to undergo an exercise program and a low-calorie diet. One group was low-calorie. A low-calorie diet with calcium (500 mg per day), while the other group was on a low-calorie diet with sufficient calcium (1,400 mg per day). At the end of the study, the researchers found that the subjects who consumed sufficient calcium, Will consume 30% more fat.

Calcium is not only linked to bone health but also helps with fat loss, and spinach, sesame seeds and fatty fish are great sources of calcium.

◎ This article is excerpted from/”Eat Smarter: The Diet Bible to Use the Power of Food to Boost Metabolism, Boost Brain Power, and Change Your Life” by Sean Stevenson
◎ Image source/provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock

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