Dubai court upholds extradition to Denmark of British trader

A British hedge fund trader accused of tax evasion in Denmark may be extradited to the northern European country, the Dubai Court of Cassation said on Monday evening, rejecting his last resort in the United Arab Emirates.

A “final” decision which the Danish Minister of Justice, Peter Hummelgaard, welcomed on Monday. “Today’s (Monday) decision on extradition to Denmark is not only very good news, but also a decision of fundamental importance for Denmark,” he said in a statement. at AFP.

Arrested in June by Emirati police as part of an extradition agreement signed between the two countries a few months earlier, Sanjay Shah is accused of an alleged 1.7 billion euro fraud aimed at helping companies to solicit in Denmark undue tax refunds.

An extradition request presented by the Danish state had been rejected at first instance in the Emirates, but the Dubai Court of Appeal, seized by the prosecution, had canceled this decision at the end of December. The 52-year-old trader then presented a final appeal to the Court of Cassation, whose decision is final. “The Dubai Court of Cassation rejected Sanjay Shah’s appeal (…) upholding the Court of Appeal’s decision to grant Denmark’s extradition request on the basis of charges of fraud (tax ) and money laundering,” Dubai Public Prosecutor Essam Issa Al Humaidan said in a statement released Monday evening by the Dubai Government Media Office. “This is an important issue for Denmark. It is our public treasury, our welfare state and our community of trust that have been damaged,” said Mr. Hummelgaard, who describes this case as a “example” of the Danish government’s fight against financial crime.

Sanjah Shah claims not to have violated Danish law, according to the Emirati press. Asked by AFP, his lawyer did not react immediately.

A British hedge fund trader accused of tax evasion in Denmark may be extradited to the northern European country, the Dubai Court of Cassation said on Monday evening, rejecting his last resort in the United Arab Emirates.

A “final” decision which the Danish Minister of Justice, Peter Hummelgaard, welcomed on Monday. …

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