Duarte Institute Defends Dominican Republic’s Deportation Policies in Response to UN Expert’s Claims

2023-06-30 00:01:47

Wilson Gomez Ramirez.

SANTO DOMINGO.- The Duartiano Institute considered this Thursday that the petition formulated by the independent expert of the United Nations Organization (UN) William O’Neill, on the situation of human rights in Haiti, does not apply to the Dominican Republic.

The organization’s president, Wilson Gómez Ramírez, said that the deportations of undocumented and illegal Haitians are part of an “in extremis” action of legitimate defense of its existence as a sovereign nation.

«No one can ask our country to sacrifice its own security to favor that of another, knowing that what it guarantees does not depend on us but on the vigorous and serious reaction of the international community, of which the UN constitutes a determining part to resolve the difficult situation in Haiti,” he said.

Ramírez pointed out that the repatriations that are made from the Dominican territory are extremely timid when compared to the massive and overflowing presence of subjects from the neighboring country with the figures announced by the Directorate of Migration.

He said that these deportations, due to their number, lack significance and, in any case, they are carried out respecting due process, human dignity and guaranteeing the security of the procedure.

“This patriotic entity understands that the emphasis it has placed is the UN representative in Haiti, regarding the importance of stopping the deportations of unaccompanied minors, the alleged trafficking of migrant children and women, including complaints of organ trafficking and trafficking in persons for sexual purposes, has no application as far as the Dominican Republic is concerned,” he said.


UN expert asks DR to stop mass deportations of Haitians

#Duartians #respond #expert #Haitian #migration #AlMomento.net



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