DSN conducts terror investigation ‘under extreme time pressure’

2024-08-10 05:07:05

The fact that a 19-year-old suspected supporter of the terrorist militia “Islamic State” (IS) from Ternitz planned an attack on a Taylor Swift concert at the Ernst Happel Arena is not It happened 10 to 14 days ago, but is crucial to the local area. This was discovered over the weekend from the safety circle. The Directorate of National Security and Intelligence (DSN) is said to be “under extreme time pressure”.

According to the APA, it is certain that DSN arrested the 19-year-old man and a 17-year-old alleged co-conspirator just days before last Wednesday when they worked for a facilities company at Harpel Stadium. and scaffolding are subject to warnings from foreign partner services. Within hours, multiple reports were received – including one from the United States – about plans to attack the major event. In these messages, which the DSN received at almost the same time, there was always a suggestion of a single perpetrator. Furthermore, the information was said to be very vague and initially required time-consuming clarification within the authorities.

Subsequently, extensive risk classification, hedging preparations, control measures and investigations are required for implementation and reporting to judicial authorities. The DSN faced considerable time pressure: the 19-year-old had not previously presented himself as an Islamist, was not an alleged threat on the DSN radar, and was initially unaware of his environment and surroundings. Radicalization that occurs within a known short period of time. Swift was scheduled to perform at Happel Stadium from August 8 to 10, with 67,000 visitors expected inside the stadium and thousands of fans in front of the stadium each night.

In fact, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution collected and obtained sufficient evidence in time for the concert date, on the basis of which the 19-year-old and his 17-year-old alleged accomplice are now convicted. Another acquaintance of the 19-year-old man was arrested and said the investigation was effective. After all, it became clear within days that the 19-year-old was unlikely to be a lone perpetrator, that he might not have prepared the crime alone, and that someone clearly knew about it. Counter-terrorism investigations are considered time- and resource-intensive and often require cross-border coordination – which in Austria is more complex than in other EU countries because of legal obstacles. The country still does not allow monitoring of messenger services.

When asked by APA, DSN director Omar Haijawi-Pirchner remained tight-lipped about the clues that led to the 19-year-old being tracked down and the subsequent arrest of two people: “An important aspect of our professional way of working is that we don’t provide information related to our Regarding any details of communication between national and international partners – whether it is about metadata or about content, Khadjawi-Pishner said: “The DSN is able to fully fulfill its statutory responsibilities and regain the trust of the international community. It has gained. Gain the trust of global partners and maintain regular contact with international security authorities and intelligence services. In the DSN, the intelligence and police components will be merged, “which means we are responsible for specific security measures.” Finally, Khadjawi-Pishner stressed: “Swift and targeted action is necessary to avoid serious dangers. ”

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