DSDS singer: “I was in therapy because of Instagram” – People

Candidate Tina tries her luck again after seven years with “DSDS”. She talks about the problems she had to deal with in the meantime.

Tina Umbricht (23) still dreams of becoming Germany’s superstar. She took part in the show back in 2015, when she made it into the top 25.

Presenter desperate: “I don’t look like Kylie Jenner”

On Saturday, the radio host performed on the show again and revealed she’s had to go into therapy in the meantime – because of Instagram. “I started looking at stars and thinking I wanted to look like them. I kind of knew I couldn’t be that. It kind of freaked me out that I couldn’t be as beautiful as a Kylie Jenner or Kim Kardashian.”

“I was in the emergency room”

Tina emphasizes: “You really doubt yourself. I fell deeper and deeper into a hole.” Tina therefore went into therapy. “I was also in the emergency room. I couldn’t take it anymore.” The Swiss decided to take a break from social media. In the meantime, she’s doing well again: “I found myself again. I’m on my own two feet again.”

Everything went according to plan with “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”: Tina managed to convince the jury twice and thus qualified for the foreign recall.

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