Drug “wholesale” in apartment. Rapper Roger M. behind bars

67 kg of marijuana and mephedrone were seized by police from Poznań. 27-year-old rapper Roger M., associated with the hooligan community, was arrested and faces up to 12 years in prison.

Drug packages /KMP Poznań /Police

Police officers from the anti-narcotics department had information for some time that the 27-year-old might be involved in large-scale drug trafficking. The District Prosecutor’s Office in Szamotuły initiated an investigation and issued a warrant for his arrest and search.

The suspect was spotted by police officers on the street in Puszczykowo near Poznań. He was overpowered and detained. In his car, officers found 4.5 kg of drugs, and in his apartment an additional 63 kg of marijuana and mephedrone.

Roger M., who was arrested, has been charged with introducing significant amounts of drugs into circulation. He faces up to 12 years in prison.



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