Drug feud behind 5-year-old’s murder

Drug feud behind 5-year-old’s murder

Not long ago, the father of the 5-year-old child who was killed in the brutal shooting incident in Markopoulos, which appears to be the result of a vendetta between Roma families, was released from prison. According to Mega, the other family found out about the release of the 5-year-old’s father and set him up for death. Until this time, both the perpetrators and the weapons of the attack are being sought by the authorities.

According to the show “Live News”, the two families are known to the Authorities, as well as in the past there have been three more shooting incidentswith the first recorded back in 2020, in Agios Panteleimonas.

From what I have been informed, the father took the children to school and there they shot the child. The father and mother are in a bad psychological state” emphasized the President of the Panhellenic Federation of Greek Roma Associations, Efthymios Dimitriou.

The child was taken to the Markopoulou Health Center with a serious gunshot wound and from there he was transported by EKAB ambulance to the Aglaia Kyriakou Children’s Hospital. According to information, the little boy had been taken from the beginning without a pulse to the hospital with the doctors trying – unfortunately without success – to revive him by performing CPR for 45 minutes. According to a statement from the administration of the Aglaia Kyriakou Children’s Hospital, the child died at 11:29 on the morning of Friday 1/11.

The announcement of the administration of the Aglaia Kyriakou Children’s Hospital

“A five (5)-year-old boy (ex.) A. (ex.) A., accompanied by a doctor from the Markopoulos Health Center, arrived today at the Emergency Department of the Hospital, via EMS at 10:45, after initial transfer to this, due to a reported head injury from a shooting in the Markopoulos area.

When he arrived at our Hospital, he was pulseless, apneic, pupils in mydriasis, without a photokinetic reflex.

Advanced resuscitation (CPR) was performed for 45 min, without response.

Time of death 11:29.

A forensic assessment (mortem, necropsy) will be carried out.”

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#Drug #feud #5yearolds #murder

Onesignal script

It seems like you’ve shared a snippet of JavaScript code that appears to ⁣be related to loading various ad scripts and initializing third-party services like OneSignal, Disqus, and ⁤potentially others. The code is currently incomplete, with several placeholders and comments indicating where scripts should be loaded or certain configurations should be set.

Here’s a high-level overview of what this code is doing:

1. **Dynamic Script Loading**: The code snippet uses a function `asyncLoadScript` to load various ads and services asynchronously. This technique​ improves⁢ page load times since scripts won’t block⁤ the rendering of the ‌main content.

2. **Ad Management**: It has sections‌ concerning Google AdSense and Phaistos Adman, suggesting that these platforms may be used for serving advertisements. ‌There are checks to see if certain ​ads are present before attempting to load them.

3. **User Engagement Tracking and Notifications**:

– ​**OneSignal**: The service is being initialized to manage push notifications. The `appId` is specified for identifying ‍the application in OneSignal’s system.

– **Disqus**: Configuration for Disqus comments is being ⁢set, with a timeout ​to load the script after a few seconds. This ‌allows it to‍ be added without interfering with the initial page load.

4. **Comments on Other Services**: There‌ are ​commented-out sections suggesting that the code‌ was meant to support additional ad management services like CleverCore, Taboola, and Glomex, among others.

5. **Error‌ Handling**: There’s a fallback mechanism in case there are issues finding script tags, where it attempts ⁣to append the new script to either the head or ‍body of the document.

### Suggestions to Complete the Code:

To make this code functional, you would need to:

– Fill in the placeholders with⁤ actual URLs for each async script declaration.

– Ensure that any dependent libraries (like jQuery⁤ if you’re using it for any of these) are loaded before this script runs.

– Implement the `asyncLoadScript` function⁤ if it’s not defined elsewhere in your code. This function should dynamically create a “ ‍element‌ and append it to the document.

– Review any commented-out​ sections to determine if they’re necessary and either complete or remove those parts as​ needed.

Here’s a simplified example of how you might implement the `asyncLoadScript` function:


function⁣ asyncLoadScript(src) {

let script = document.createElement(‘script’);

script.src = src;

script.async = true;

​ document.head.appendChild(script);



This kind ​of organization will ‌help maintain a clean and efficient loading process for advertising and user interaction tools‍ on your website.

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