Drownings in Mina Clavero Rivers: Tragic Incidents in Traslasierra Valley

2023-12-31 12:47:00

Two adult men They drowned in different episodes that occurred between this Friday and Saturday in the rivers of Mina Claveroin the Traslasierra Valley of Córdoba, police sources reported.

This Saturday, a 35-year-old man from the province of Buenos Aires, who was traveling with his partner, died when He submerged himself in the riverbed in the spa known as Nido del Águilaand could not emerge when he got stuck in a rocky area.

Personnel from the Police, Firefighters and the High Risk Units Department of the Córdoba Police (DUAR) worked to rescue the victim, who was found six meters deepon a day when there were a significant number of tourists in the area.

A similar situation occurred on Friday afternoon, at the spa The elephants, just two kilometers from where yesterday’s tragedy occurred, when he drowned a 34-year-old tourist, originally from Zárate (Buenos Aires), who would have jumped into the water to retrieve one of his daughters’ flip flops.

In the attempt, the visitor became trapped between rocks under water, and although he was rescued a few minutes later by specialized personnel, resuscitation maneuvers were unsuccessful.

The tourist who died on Friday He was on a walk through the province of Córdoba along with his wife, and his daughters of 17, 9, and 6 years old.

In both cases the Cura Brochero Prosecutor’s Office intervenes, which began the investigations under the cover of “death of doubtful etiology“.

Both spas are crossed by the Los Sauces Riverand they are about two kilometers apart, it is an area where the water passes between large rocks, which is why the authorities warn daily about the risks, and where lifeguards work during the summer season.

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