Drooping eyelids, what disease produces them?

Drooping eyelids are caused by a condition in which the eye cannot be opened normally, so vision can be affected and, for many people, it can even represent an aesthetic problem.

According to Medline Pluswebsite of the United States National Library of Medicine, explains that Droopy eyelids can also be due to excess skin on the upper eyelid.

“The end of the upper eyelid may reach lower than it should (ptosis) or there may be excess baggy skin on the upper eyelid (dermatochalasis),” explains the portal.

Likewise, among the most common causes of droopy eyelids is muscle weakness, sagging skin, aging, the result of injury, genetics, or even disease. Among the latter, the library explains that they may be:

Only the doctor can determine the origin of the droopy eyelids and if it is necessary to carry out a treatment to counteract it. Normally, to lift droopy eyelids, surgery is the most efficient and quickest solution.

According to the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit organization dedicated to clinical practice, education and research, blepharoplasty is “a type of surgery that is performed to repair drooping eyelids and may consist of the removal of excess skin, muscle and fat.

This surgical intervention can reduce or eliminate visual problems, as well as improve the appearance of the eyes and face. However, also droopy eyelids can be avoided by following the routine below, According to the portal specialized in beauty, Very pretty:

1. Remove make-up: the fact of not removing eye makeup contributes to the skin deteriorating faster than in other more resistant areas of the face. That’s why, sometimes the face may appear dull in appearance. In addition, this can cause edema (swelling in the area under the eyes) and wrinkles to appear prematurely.

2. Sleep: Although little sleep is not the cause of dark circles, Lack of sleep can make your skin look paler and therefore make the shadows and dark circles you already have more noticeable.

3. Moisturize the area: The skin around the eyes is usually one of the most delicate, so it must always be protected from external agents, which promote aging and dehydration. It is advisable not to use any cream to moisturize, but rather that it is specific for the eye contour.

4. Protector solar: One of the most important ways to care for your skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of exposure to the sun’s rays can cause wrinklesage spots and other skin problems, as well as an increased risk of skin cancer.

On the other hand, according to what is pointed out by the Mayo Clinic’s specialized health page, it is important to control stress, because, when it is out of control, the skin can become more sensitive and can trigger acne breakouts and other skin problems. , how droopy eyelids.

To achieve a healthy state of mind and for this to contribute to the good condition of the dermis, it is important to exercise or take breaks.



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