Drone searches reach peak in five years

2024-03-17 14:52:56

Initially designed for military missions, such as rescuing people from fires, defending soldiers or searching for fugitives, UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles), or simply known as drones, became popular. Today, the use of devices enhances services and reduces costs, changing the way activities are carried out, whether for recreational or professional use, in various areas, such as agribusiness, civil construction, audiovisual productions and security, among other sectors.

See the aerial equipment functions most sought following by Brazilians in the last year

To understand the popularity of these aerial vehicles, the Guia dos Melhores evaluation platform carried out a survey of the most sought-following uses of the device in Brazil, based on data referring to the search term “drone”. The study showed that over the past year, Google searches for the equipment grew by 22%, with emphasis on the explosion of searches between December 31st and January 6th, the highest number in five years. Increase that coincides with the popularization of drone shows at New Year’s Eve parties.

See top searches by device usage

Drone for home deliveries: Searches for the phrase “drone for home deliveries” grew 300% in one year. In any other part of the world, your order might literally arrive flying. However, in Brazil the service is still restricted and remains in the testing phase. In 2022, ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency) authorized the first commercial drone delivery operation in the country, which is currently restricted to some parts of the national territory.

Drones for photography and filming:

If aerial images were previously taken by planes and helicopters, therefore inaccessible to most people, currently there are even aerial photography competitions using drones only. The term “drone for photography” saw a 143% increase in searches in the last year, which may indicate that it is increasingly easier to photograph from above. Low prices, coupled GPS, longer battery life and camera stabilization are some of the features for those looking for a small aircraft for filming. Whether to make aerial videos for leisure, security or cinematographic productions, the demand for this function seen in the expression “drone for filming” grew by 90% in 2023.

Fishing drone:

Far from traditional rods and reels, the search for aerial vehicles for fishing grew 143% last year in Brazil. The equipment makes it easier to see the fish in the water and maintains a greater distance than a rod might provide. However, to practice the activity, you must have authorization from the Airspace Control Department (Decea) and meet some requirements.

Drones for parties and shows:

The noise of the fireworks display gave way to the silent drone show. The expressions “party drones” and “show drones” grew by 100% in one year and 600% in three months, respectively. Shows with the unmanned device gained space in New Year celebrations in 2023, with the largest drone show in Latin America. Five Brazilian cities had flights coordinated by drone pilots and engineers, who, synthesized, projected points of light forming images paying homage to the locations.

Drones for agriculture:

Last year, the number of agricultural drones grew 266%, according to ANAC, and the equipment has had a positive impact on Brazilian crops. Demand for equipment for rural areas grew 84% throughout 2023, and is intended to supervise difficult-to-access areas, producing images and videos in real time. Searches for verified functions under the terms “drone for agricultural mapping” and “drone sprayer for agriculture” grew 129% in one year and 50% in the last three months, respectively. In addition to assisting in sowing and applying products, drones reduce working time and increase productivity on farms.

Drone for surveillance:

Remotely controlled aircraft are present in 63% of the security forces of the 27 federation units, according to the Rio de Janeiro School of Law, from Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV Direito Rio). By monitoring high-resolution cameras and heat sensors, they helped in the inspection and policing of Carnival blocks this year, and are assisting agents in the search for fugitives. Search for the term “surveillance drone” grew 75%, and is expanding beyond police use. The equipment also collaborates with epidemiological surveillance in identifying dengue outbreaks.

Unmanned aircraft are present at parties, at work and in the daily lives of many Brazilians. Some brands are already preferred within the sector. According to the platform survey, models such as the DJI Mavic and DJI Mini had searches greater than 1000% throughout 2023.

“Just last year, Brazilian territory had more than 100 thousand registered aircraft and around 300 thousand unregistered ones, according to ANAC. The operation of this equipment has become popular and has evolved to become a profession in several sectors. Furthermore, its strong presence at festive events, such as New Year’s Eve and Carnival shows, highlights not only popular acceptance, but also the remarkable entertainment potential of the device. However, we are still waiting for some technical advances and regulations to fully exploit its capacity”, comments Eduardo Scherer, founder of Guia dos Melhores.

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