Driving the Future: The Electromobility Conference 2024 and Its Impact on Electric Transportation in Lithuania and Beyond

This is international Electromobility conference will be held for the fourth time and on September 5 of this year will bring together international and Lithuanian electromobility experts, market participants and enthusiasts in Vilnius.

Understand instantly

  • The event will be broadcast live on the news portal on September 5 15min.
  • You can find the program of the event – here

Lithuania is consistently moving forward

“Lithuania is consistently moving forward, expanding the infrastructure of electric cars and implementing renewable energy solutions. This conference provides an opportunity not only to evaluate our progress, but also to get new ideas from European leaders so that we can move even more firmly towards the creation of a sustainable transport system”, said Minister of Energy Dainius Kreivys.

Skirmantas Lisauskas/BNS photo/Dainius Kreivys

Focus on international experience

The conference will pay special attention to international experience and good practices. Virginia Christochowitz, head of the National Center for Charging Infrastructure in Europe of the German organization NOW GmbH, will present the successes and challenges of the implementation of Germany’s national electromobility plan.

Łukasz Lewandowski, head of EV Club Poland, which unites the largest club of electric car users in Poland and one of the first clubs of electric car users in Central and Eastern Europe, will share insights on the trends of electric mobility in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe.

“Lithuanian residents believe in the future of electric mobility and are preparing for it more actively than companies – people are immediately installing private charging points for electric cars, using the financing provided by the state.

Judging by the number of car registrations and applications, an average of every second person currently purchasing an electric car applies for a grant. Thanks to state funding, more private charging points have already been installed than public ones.

It is especially useful to install charging stations next to existing solar or wind power plants in homes or on farmers’ farms. It is worth hurrying to take advantage of this opportunity provided by the state and contribute to the creation of infrastructure for sustainable transport”, urges Agnė Bagočiutė, director of the Lithuanian Energy Agency.

Lithuanian Energy Agency photo/Agnė Bagočiutė at the Electromobility Conference

Lithuanian Energy Agency photo/Agnė Bagočiutė at the Electromobility Conference

Representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Communications, the Lithuanian Energy Agency, municipalities and ESO will participate in discussions on the development of electromobility.

Experience and insights will be shared by other market participants: “Eldrive Lietuva”, “Volvo Trucks Lietuva”, “Elinta Charge”, “Telia Lietuva” and representatives of the apartment association. Conference participants will discuss how to efficiently develop electric vehicle charging infrastructure and promote the development of electromobility in order to ensure a sustainable and environmentally friendly future of transport.

The conference is organized as part of the Lithuanian Energy Agency’s implementation of the joint project “Establishment of private electric vehicle charging access points” in accordance with the economic recovery and resilience-building plan “New Generation Lithuania”, financed by the European Union’s economic recovery and resilience-building measure “NextGenerationEU”.

You can find more information about electromobility in the section eMovement

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#Electromobility #Conference #development #trends #electromobility #Lithuania #Europe #Business
2024-09-08 04:21:51

Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions ‌related to the title **”Electromobility Conference: ⁢Paving the ⁢Way for a Sustainable Transportation Future”**:

Electromobility Conference: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Transportation Future

The fourth edition of the ‌international Electromobility Conference is set to take place on September 5, 2023, in Vilnius, Lithuania. This event⁤ brings together international and Lithuanian electromobility experts, market participants, and enthusiasts to discuss the latest developments and trends in the field of electromobility.

Lithuania’s ‍Electromobility Journey

Lithuania is making significant strides in ​expanding ‍its electric vehicle (EV)‍ infrastructure and implementing‍ renewable energy solutions. According to Minister of Energy Dainius Kreivys, “Lithuania is⁢ consistently moving forward, expanding the infrastructure of electric cars and implementing renewable energy⁤ solutions.‌ This conference provides ⁤an opportunity not only to evaluate our progress​ but ​also to get new ideas from European leaders so that we⁣ can move even more firmly towards the creation of a sustainable transport system.”

Focus on International Experience

The‍ conference will focus on international experience and good practices, with expert speakers ⁣sharing their⁣ insights on the successes and challenges of implementing electromobility plans. Virginia⁣ Christochowitz, head of the National Center for Charging Infrastructure in Europe of the German organization NOW GmbH, will present the successes and challenges ‌of Germany’s national⁢ electromobility plan. Łukasz Lewandowski, head of EV​ Club Poland, will share insights ​on the ​trends of electric mobility in Poland and Central and‌ Eastern Europe.

State Funding and Private Charging ‍Points

The Lithuanian government is actively promoting the adoption of electromobility by providing financing for ⁣private charging points. According to Agnė Bagočiutė, director‌ of the Lithuanian⁤ Energy Agency, “Lithuanian residents believe in the future of electric mobility and are

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Electromobility Conference: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Transportation Future

The fourth international electromobility conference is set to take place on September 5, 2024, in Vilnius, Lithuania. This event will bring together international and Lithuanian electromobility experts, market participants, and enthusiasts to discuss the latest developments and challenges in the field of electromobility. The conference will be broadcast live on the news portal 15min, and the program can be found here.

Lithuania is Consistently Moving Forward

Lithuania is consistently moving forward in its efforts to expand the infrastructure of electric cars and implement renewable energy solutions. According to Minister of Energy Dainius Kreivys, “This conference provides an opportunity not only to evaluate our progress, but also to get new ideas from European leaders so that we can move even more firmly towards the creation of a sustainable transport system” [[1]].

Focus on International Experience

The conference will pay special attention to international experience and good practices. Virginia Christochowitz, head of the National Center for Charging Infrastructure in Europe of the German organization NOW GmbH, will present the successes and challenges of the implementation of Germany’s national electromobility plan. Łukasz Lewandowski, head of EV Club Poland, will share insights on the trends of electric mobility in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe [[1]].

Sustainable Electromobility Development in Lithuania

Lithuania is committed to sustainable electromobility development, and the conference will provide an opportunity to showcase the country’s progress in this area. According to a recent conference paper, “Sustainable electromobility development in Lithuania comparing with EU countries in context of the European green deal” [[3]], Lithuania is making significant strides in electromobility development.

Infrastructure Development

The development of infrastructure is critical to the growth of electromobility. Agnė Bagočiutė, director of the Lithuanian Energy Agency, urges individuals to take advantage of state funding to install private charging points for electric cars, which can be especially useful when installed next to existing solar or wind power plants in homes or on farmers’ farms [[1]].

International Cooperation

International cooperation is essential to achieving sustainable transportation goals. The Vilnius conference will provide a platform for experts to share knowledge and experiences, fostering collaboration and innovation in the field of electromobility. The conference will also explore the latest research achievements and emerging technologies, such as biotechnology, which can contribute to sustainable transportation solutions [[1]].

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Here are some People Also Ask (PAA) questions related to the title “Electromobility Conference: Paving the Way for a Sustainable Transportation Future”:

What is the focus of the Electromobility Conference in Vilnius?

How is Lithuania contributing to sustainable electromobility development?

* What are the benefits of installing private charging



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