Drivers, foot off the gas! A new radar monitors speed in Rožnov pod Radhoštěm

Safer road traffic and a reduction in the number of traffic accidents or collisions with pedestrians. This is the main reason why the Rožnov City Hall had a new radar installed in the Tylovice section. This will supplement the existing four radars, which are located on the main road near the shopping area, near Jánoštík, in Kramolišov and on Nábřeží Dukelské hrdinů.

In the Tylovice locality, drivers often exceed the speed limit and at the same time there is a kindergarten near the road, which is another risk factor that needs to be taken into account. We built sidewalks here, added public lighting and crossings, the radar is the last measure,” stated the mayor of Rožnov pod Radhoštěm, Jan Kučera.

Drivers will be warned regarding the speed measurement when entering the city by road signs. “We are trying to slow down traffic in places that are heavily trafficked, and it is on this road that traffic has increased several times in recent years,” Kučera continued.

The city has verifiable results of the introduction of measurements in previous sections. “When we measure before the introduction of the radar, 40-50% of drivers in the municipality are over 60. After a few months of introduction, the number drops to half a percent. Our goal is to slow down and make traffic safer, and that’s what’s happening.” added the mayor of Rožnovsk.



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