Performance: In public places as per the directions of the state government. Eramm-Kuttur Panchayat has provided drinking facilities to the pilgrims. Mathamamangalam, Vellora, Olayanpady, Kuttur, Eramm Bhaga in Panchayat Among them are Vellore Vanita Bank, DYFI, Auto Industries, Motor Industry Lalis, CITU entrepreneurs, traders, voluntary organization Kutivella distribution is done in collaboration with them.
The Panchayat Thala inauguration of the scheme was done by Mathamangalam President T.R. Ramachandran managed. Welfare Standing Committee Chairperson K. Sarita presided. Assistant Secretary P.P. Vijayan, V.K. Gopi, K.C. Rajan, K. Sathyabhama shared.