Is healthy food good for everyone? Since it doesn’t affect everyone the same, the effect is different for everyone. Likewise, the foods you enjoy on a daily basis can be either medicine or poison depending on the situation.
Milk is generally a healthy food, but it’s best to avoid it when you’re feeling bloated. Eating sweets when you’re tired may make you feel energized, but there are actually sweet foods to avoid.
When you are stressed, tired, or can’t sleep, find out which foods are good to eat and which foods are good to avoid.
When I’m stressed = Oysters, not alcohol
Magnesium prevents the neurotransmitters in the brain from being stimulated, helping to relax and feel comfortable. Adding a little olive oil to your usual food can help manage stress. The Mediterranean diet is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that boost serotonin levels in the brain. Serotonin is responsible for transmitting messages between nerve cells throughout the body, and high serotonin levels lower stress and anxiety and improve overall mood.
Oysters are good too. This is because shellfish are rich in vitamin B12, which improves brain and nervous system function and prevents stress, anxiety and depression.
On the other hand, experts recommend not to consume too much caffeine and sugar. Both increase levels of the stress-causing hormone cortisol. It also has an addictive nature, which can lead to overreliance when stressed. Frequent drinking also increases the production of cortisol in the brain.
When you are tired = drink more water and avoid sweet snacks
The most common health problem is fatigue. Above all else, you need to drink a lot of water so that you don’t lose energy throughout the day. When dehydrated, the body becomes extremely tired because water acts as a natural lubricant for the body’s processes. If you don’t drink enough water, your body has to work harder, which in turn consumes more energy. Potassium helps with hydration. Potassium-rich foods include bananas, oranges, tomatoes, and avocados.
Foods rich in carbohydrates also help with fatigue. This is because our body plays a role in supplying energy to various organs, cells and tissues by breaking down carbohydrates into glucose. Nuts like cashews, almonds, and pistachios provide healthy carbohydrates.
On the other hand, eating too much sugar can have the opposite effect. Sugar can interfere with the brain’s production of orexin, a chemical that makes you feel awake. Also, if you eat too much sugar, you may experience a sugar crash in which you feel tired following eating foods high in sugar. The same goes for refined carbohydrates, which are commonly found in processed foods.
When I can’t sleep = Eat kiwi and avoid alcohol.
One of the reasons sleep problems can be due to excessive dependence on caffeine. If you drink too much coffee throughout the day, you may still have some caffeine in your body and have a hard time sleeping. This can also happen if you eat sugar right before going to bed. This is because glucose, which is found in most sugar-rich foods, boosts energy.
Alcohol can quickly make you tired. However, when you drink alcohol, your liver has to metabolize it, a process that prevents you from getting enough rest. Therefore, drinking alcohol to sleep is a bad idea.
Cow’s milk contains the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate the day and night cycle. Although the brain makes it naturally, fatty acids found in fish such as salmon also help produce melatonin. Studies have also shown that antioxidants found in fruits like kiwi can reduce stress and help you sleep.
Headache relief = Blueberries, water, and avocados are no
Headaches are often caused simply by dehydration. Even mild dehydration can lead to headaches, which can be relieved in minutes with a few sips of water.
In some cases, headaches occur in response to oxidative stress, which breaks the oxidative balance in the body due to the increase in free radicals in the body. In this case, eating foods rich in antioxidants such as blueberries, kiwis, and strawberries can help. Magnesium, found in almonds, legumes, and green leafy vegetables, can also help relieve headaches.
As with fatigue, sugary or over-processed foods such as soda, cookies and cakes can cause headaches. Despite being rich in magnesium, avocados can cause headaches because of a chemical called tyramine, which is produced when avocados are overripe. Occasionally, some people have trouble breaking down tyramine, resulting in migraines. Even overripe bananas contain a lot of tyramine.
Reporter Jeong Hee-eun [email protected]
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