Dream Chasing: Despite being called a second-degree criminal, it won’t change the way I play – yqqlm

Original title: Chasing the dream: Although being called a second-degree criminal, it will not change the way I play

On May 3rd, Beijing time, in the first game of the Warriors VS Grizzlies series yesterday, Dream Chaser Green was ejected in the second quarter of the game, and the second-level criminal he received also became a discussion following the game. focus.

In an interview with ESPN, Green said that despite being called for a flagrant foul, it won’t change the way he plays in the future.

“I’ll never change the way I play,” Meng Chai said, “It’s this way of playing that got me where I am today, got me three championships, made four All-Stars, and helped me get to the top of my game. Best defensive player. So I’m not going to change now.”

Although Curry doesn’t want Dream Chasing to change his style of play, he hopes Dream Chasing can be more cautious.

“Unfortunately, he has to keep that in mind,” Curry said. “Only he can tell you what it means to him, how he approaches every game. I want him to be himself and make an impact on the game, Be the dream chaser we all look forward to. But he can’t be in a situation where he’s breaking the rules.”

In the 2016 NBA Finals, Green was suspended for one game in G5 due to the accumulation of four points for bad criminals, which also directly allowed the Cavaliers to complete an epic 1-3 comeback.

(Editor: Charon)Return to Sohu, see more


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