DRC: Lamuka coalition calls on political actors for reconciliation and national cohesion to address the challenges facing the country

Faced with poverty, widespread insecurity and all the challenges facing the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Lamuka Coalition calls for a “high-level meeting” between all the main actors in national life, civil society and political society for a reconciliation that will lead to national cohesion in order to meet these challenges.

For Prince Epenge, spokesman for Lamuka, led by the opposition Martin Fayulu, the situation in the country on all levels is rotting and risks reaching “a point of no return”.

“Whether you are in Kinshasa or in the depths of our villages, whether you are in power, the opposition or civil society, the observation is the same. The situation in the country on all levels is rotting. The cancer is metastasizing. Division, poverty, insecurity is widespread. Should we wait for the situation to reach a point of no return? No. This is why within the coalition, through his address to the nation, President Martin Fayulu proposed that there be key players in national life, those in civil society as well as in political society, must tell each other the truth, must reconcile to lead to national cohesion supposed to bring us all together to meet the challenges facing the country,” he said.

Of these challenges that overwhelm the DRC, the Lamuka coalition highlights the security situation in the east of the country, criticizing Félix Tshisekedi for his decision at the time, giving the approval to the Ugandan army to conduct joint military operations with the FARDC in Ituri province, in order to curb the insecurity created by the ADF rebels and others, forgetting that “the friend of my enemy is my enemy”, he complained.

Furthermore, LAMUKA says it is aware of the death penalty imposed on soldiers fleeing the M23. It condemns this act, but wants to see clearly the conditions in which the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo are defending themselves at the front.

In his speech on the occasion of the 64th anniversary of independence, on June 30, Martin Fayulu called for national cohesion, for the meeting of all stakeholders in order to find adequate solutions to defend the country once morest external aggression.

“It is not regarding sharing power, but regarding saving the country from balkanization, ending recurring political crises and ensuring the well-being of our suffering people,” he explained.

ECIDé President Martin Fayulu was ranked third behind Félix Tshisekedi and Moïse Katumbi, when the results of the December 20, 2023 elections were published by the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI) and the Constitutional Court. Shortly before the general elections, the unsuccessful candidate in the 2018 presidential election had called on members of his political platform not to run at all levels of the elections, arguing the question of the credibility of the electoral process. From now on, with no MP in the National Assembly and in the provincial assemblies, it is impossible for Martin Fayulu to act as a counterweight during this second term of Félix Tshisekedi.

2024-07-08 15:10:16
#DRC #Lamuka #coalition #calls #political #actors #reconciliation #national #cohesion #address #challenges #facing #country



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