DRC: Augustin Kabuya clarifies that his authority as SG does not come from the CDP

The Secretary General of the UDPS/Tshisekedi, Augustin Kabuya, spoke with the executives and fighters of his party, during a meeting he initiated, on Sunday September 1, 2024 at the party headquarters, on current issues and “the threats weighing on the UDPS”.

In his speech, Augustin Kabuya said that political mornings allow party authorities to give the right information to fighters exposed to the spread of erroneous information.

“If you see someone opposing the holding of the morning, what they want is to keep the base in confusion”he said.

The SG of the UDPS/Tshisekedi informed that the convening of the party’s democratic convention (CDP) will take place after the parliamentary vacation.

“Very soon, we will convene the real CDP in an inclusive manner and in accordance with article 30 of our statutes. And this cannot be done in the absence of our parliamentarians who are currently on vacation”he said.

In response to calls for violence from those who have promised to storm the party headquarters on September 7, the SG of the UDPS/Tshisekedi calls on the authorities to take appropriate measures to prevent this crime.

Furthermore, he launched a vibrant appeal to the party base to come in large numbers on the same date to “defend the party”.

Augustin Kabuya also terminated the functions of Simon Kalenga, spokesperson, Antoine Ababi, national secretary, head of the communication, information and media department, as well as Cédrick Kabangu, national secretary in charge of organization.

Then to appoint, Clément Baruti Limbaya, national secretary and spokesperson of the party and to the post of national secretaries, Gaston Mutombo, Raoul M’paba and Daniel Musangu who will jointly lead the organization department.

It should be noted that the SG of the UDPS/Tshisekedi claims that he was appointed Secretary General in May 2019. The Congress entrusted him with the functions of national president so that he could assume the interim during the unavailability of the incumbent, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi, the current Head of State.


2024-09-03 17:45:59
#DRC #Augustin #Kabuya #clarifies #authority #CDP



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