Dramatic Accident on Rue du Chapelain: Woman Fatally Hit by Forage Harvester

2023-09-27 13:29:00

A dramatic accident occurred this Wednesday shortly after 1 p.m. along rue du Chapelain in Ath. A lady had parked her vehicle along the street, near a cornfield (not far from the industrial railway line, L287).

In circumstances that investigators will have to clarify, the woman was hit by a forage harvester active on the corn plot, and this when she had just left her vehicle or was returning to it.

The care of the emergency services (Rebaix post of the Rescue Zone) was in vain. The victim died from his serious injuries. Officers from the Ath police made the required findings. Rue du Chapelain was closed to traffic.

#Drama #Ath #lady #dies #hit #agricultural #machinery

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