Drama in France: a young woman dies during a parachute jump in Strasbourg

The tragedy occurred around 8:40 p.m., in the east of the Alsatian metropolis, according to a press release from the departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS) of Bas-Rhin.

“The firefighters intervened for a 24-year-old woman practicing parachuting” and who “fallen from a height of approximately 1,000 meters”, indicates the SDIS in its press release.

The victim was “declared dead” at the scene, according to the statement.

The young woman was jumping from an aerodrome near the site of the accident, according to a spokeswoman for the SDIS.

An investigation has been opened, said a judicial source, according to which the accidental track is for the time being privileged. The go pro cameras of the other paratroopers who were jumping at the same time as them as well as the young woman’s equipment will be used to determine the causes of the tragedy, it was added.

“Shocked”, the ten people present at the time of the accident were the subject of psychological care, according to the spokesperson for the SDIS.

The free fall part went well but “there was a problem opening” the parachute which, despite the rescue maneuver of the young woman, did not trigger, declared to the regional daily Les Dernieres Nouvelles d’Alsace (DNA), Roland Ilyes, the technical director of the Regional School of Parachuting Center (CERP) Alsace, of which the victim was a member.

According to him, she practiced skydiving for a year and totaled a hundred jumps.

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