Drama: Dry up the Aggitis springs cave

However, the climate crisis has dramatically reduced rainfall, as a result of which the waters of Agitis have receded significantly. The visiting assistant professor of the Department of Geology of AUTH and president of the Speleological Federation of Greece, Christos Pennos, gave to “ET” revealing photographs depicting the significant fall of the river waters through the cave.

“There is a point, about 400 meters from the entrance of the cave, where walking on the bridge the visitor sees on one side that the water is minimal and on the other that there is no water at all! A year ago, the picture was completely different. There was water everywhere and enough of it!”, he told “ET.”

In fact, he pointed out that almost ten years ago and deep inside the cave, at a point where it is not accessible to visitors, the river was 150 centimeters deep, while today it has reduced by 90%! “Now the depth is about ten centimeters. Just above the ankle. Where we used to swim to cross the point, now we walk normally in the water”, he underlined.

He clarified that the prolonged drought has no effect on the cave. “Over the centuries, the cave has successfully gone through many phases with droughts or floods. No problem for the cave. The issue is the climate crisis and the changes it brings everywhere,” he stressed. On the occasion, he underlined that the same situation prevails in the other caves through which rivers pass.

Both photos are taken from the same spot inside the Aggiti cave. The first is in August 2023 and the second was taken yesterday. The left (west) side of the bed has completely dried up, while little water flows on the left side.

“About 60% of the water consumed by the mainland comes from water that passes through or springs from caves. These are the so-called karst systems. Karst is topography formed by the dissolution of soluble rocks, such as limestone, dolomite and gypsum. It is characterized by underground drainage systems with sinkholes and caves. The fact that the Aggitis cave has no water is typical of what is happening throughout the country,” he said. “What we have to look at is the bigger picture, which will be given to us by having all these measurements and observations that we are trying to collect from inside the cave. Let’s see, that is, over time. In human lifetime we cannot understand this. We will just make a prediction on how things will move”, he emphasized.


A few weeks ago, Mr. Pennos’ team joined a program managed by the Bodosakis Foundation and funded by the Laskaridis Foundation. It concerns the pilot recording of the level and temperature in karst conduits throughout the territory. “In order to see the effects of the climate crisis, we should take equipment similar to what we have put in the cave of Agitis and put the same in caves all over Greece, to see the effects. We have divided Greece into five geographical regions and we will have to choose the most important caves. We will install sensors that will give online information about water, humidity, temperature and other interesting indicators. The data should be posted on a single network and used by the experts, who will draw up and implement the necessary and necessary actions”, he concluded.

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#Drama #Dry #Aggitis #springs #cave



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