Drag queen in schools? Deputy Minister Sikora caused controversy – Wprost

Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, Monika Sikora, appeared at the Gliwice Equality March and expressed her satisfaction with its organization at a press conference.

Monika Sikora on the Equality March in Gliwice

– Gliwice was, is and will be tolerant – she emphasized. – I am glad that after so many years of really inciting and persecuting LGBT people, this city can also join the cities that organize marches. We are very happy that we can be here – she emphasized.

– A month ago I gave birth to a daughter and I am happy that she will be able to live in Poland, where everyone can love who they want, where we are heading towards the better, first with civil partnerships, and we will continue to fight for marriage equality – added Sikora from Nowa Lewica.

Drag queens in schools?

Unexpectedly, the politician was asked about the introduction of drag queens to Polish schools. This mainly concerns men who dress up as women and in a characteristic way “play the role” of the opposite sex. The deputy minister had nothing against such visits. Asked if she “supports drag queens in schools”, she answered once again that she “does”.

After a moment, however, Sikora approached the reporter and returned to the subject, trying to clarify her thought. “Of course, we are talking about situations where children have the right to express themselves. If it is a situation in which they discuss with their parents, in which they are in a safe environment, then it is an individual matter. It is not about having a drag queen in every school, but about making certain solutions possible for these children,” she explained.

– So that it is not like we are promoting here and that I am calling for it, but it seems to me that in certain circumstances – added the deputy minister. The mayor of Gliwice, Katarzyna Kuczyńska-Budka, who was present at the march, also decided to add her opinion. – But we do not impose who should be in schools. It is the families and children who decide who they want to be – she emphasized.

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