Dr. Zakir Naik ready to come to Pakistan – Why did he not come after leaving India, revealed in an interview – World

Dr. Zakir Naik, the world-citizen preacher of Islam, has said that if he wanted, he could have taken up permanent residence in Pakistan instead of leaving India and going to Malaysia, but he did not do so based on some reasons.

In an interview with a Pakistani YouTuber, Dr. Zakir Naik said that if he had decided to stay in Pakistan, the Modi government would have gained more prestige and could have accused him of working for the ISI, in which case he would It would have been difficult for the organization to work.

Dr. Zakir Naik argued that the principle of Shariah is to accept a minor defect to avoid a major defect.

To a question, Dr. Zakir Naik said that when the Modi government changed the constitutional status of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, it sent its representative to Malaysia who told him that the Modi government wants your support on Kashmir. Dr. Zakir Naik categorically refused to do so.