Dr. Teera pointed out that the new strain of covid use a short incubation period

Sort species and incubation periods

– Alpha species The onset of infection to symptoms took approximately 5 days (confidence interval from 4.94-5.06 days).

Beta strains lasted 4.5 days (confidence interval from 1.83 – 7.17 days).

– Delta species The worst outbreak last year took 4.41 days (Confidence interval from 3.76 – 5.05 days).

– The latest species Omicron (Omicron) that has spread this year. Shortened to 3.42 days (Confidence interval from 2.88 – 3.96 days)

Dr. Teera stated that this research indicates that The alpha and beta strains have the same incubation period as the original strains that started in Wuhan, about 5.2 days. Later outbreaks Since the middle of last year, Delta and Omicron have markedly shorter incubation periods.

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