“Dr. Noroña is always willing to give them his medicine”: the deputy defended Sansores from PAN attacks

Fernández noroña defended Layda Sansores from criticism (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Gerardo Fernandez Noronafederal deputy for the labor party (PT), used the words of a poet from the State of Mexico to condemn the actions of opposition legislators regarding the non-approval of the Electricity Reform of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

This Wednesday, May 4, began the Standing Commission of the second recess period of the LXV Legislature, where the main issue was the approval of the regulations that will govern during said period; However, the opposition used the platform to criticize this, assuring that there are issues that need to be addressed and that Morena and his allies are avoiding it.

It was in this context that Noroña decided to speak and, in this way, respond to the accusations and criticisms made by some members of the opposition. Particularly against the questions of Kenya López Rabadán, senator for the National Action Party (PAN) who claimed that Morena is responsible for the collapse of Line 12.

The PT legislator read the text “For my people” by Juan Pablo Cundera, a poet from Texcoco, State of Mexico. The position of the coalition is ironized in the text goes to Mexico (PRI, PAN and PRD), because they say they are being censored, when they have access to the rostrum to freely declaim against AMLO and the 4T.

The PT deputy assured that Together We Make History will win the 2022, 2023 and 2024 elections

“Strange things are happening in my beautiful and beloved Mexico: I am forbidden to say corrupt, chayotero, traitors, white-collar criminals, traitors to the country”

“Poor me, my lexicon is limited and they hide me in those descriptive words, so clear, but they don’t deceive me in my eyes”, continued the UAM sociologist. “To leagues are distinguished millions of tables of my Mexican brothers without breadand them, threatening the baker that only they have the right to be fed up with the wheat that my country gives us”.

“I want my worthy people to raise their eyes to the future today, so that fear does not invade the old, the young and future generations and we call traitors traitors, corrupt people corrupt, liars to those who lie and that when they die and bury them, the earth vomits them up where they don’t deserve to be. Traitors, traitors, traitors to the land that saw them born”

Fernández Noroña ensured that this statement “full body painting to the opposition”and assured that it is hypocrisy that they want to talk about tragedies and criticize Layda Sansores when it was the PAN and the PRI the person responsible for numerous things to regret, such as the war against drug trafficking, the precariousness with which Mexicans live and the dispossession that prevailed in Mexico.

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And it is that Lopez Rabadan described as mean and miserable the governor of Campeche for the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) for expressing his empathy with the case of the disappearance of the 43 missing students in Iguala, Guerrero. This is because when Sansores was a senator she wore an outfit with the image of the students of the Rural Normal School of Ayotzinapa.

The PAN senator criticized the head of government and the governor for profiting from national tragedies

“I know that when they grow up they would like to be like her (Sansores), but she does not give them life”, he began his criticism, “if they believe in reincarnation, like for about 8 million, maybe, and a little bit closer to it.” Under this logic, she described wanting to enter the public debate through the “back door” as shameless; However, she confronted him and assured that she is not afraid of exchanging ideas.

“I have no qualms about answering them. And they know that here Doctor Noroña is always willing to give his medicine to the opposition and, particularly, to the cronies”

He said that the coalition promoting the 4T is not afraid to open the debate on Line 12 of the Metro, on the “betrayal of the homeland”, the drug war and the “privatization of everything”. “They say they are censored”questioned the deputy, but recalled that they have expressed themselves freely without respecting the presidency of the Permanent.

“Whenever you want, we debate… well, almost whenever you want, because since we are the majority, we decide when we want to debate with you. So, for example, today we don’t have time, today we don’t feel like hearing nonsense.”


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