Dr. Masood is the Indian representative at the Global Education Conference

Panur: At the Global Education Summit in Germany from August 28 to November 3 Dr. K. K Masood was invited as the Indian representative. The aim of the summit is to explore innovative educational perspectives with an emphasis on global citizenship for sustainable development as recognized by the UN. This global meeting is held at Pods Dam, Germany. The delegates of the conference are experts and educationists from nine countries like America, Britain, France, India, Netherlands, Austria, Belgium and Czech Republic. Dr. Masood is an education worker who has presented many papers in educational seminars organized in the national and international arena and has reflected remarkable views in the field of educational perspective. A native of Kannur Parad and former higher secondary join director Prof. K. K Mahmood and Puttur West U. He is also the son of Subaida teacher of P school.

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