Leaders of the most important medical organizations in Puerto Rico have also expressed their opposition to the new law.
By: Luisa Ochoa
Recently, 35 medical societies and associations in Puerto Rico expressed their opposition to Senate Project 1134, where authority is granted to the Medical Licensing and Discipline Board to establish the recertification or license renewal requirements for doctors of the island.
Added to the negative perception of the project is Dr. Leticia Hernández, current president of the Puerto Rican Society of Endocrinology and Diabetology, one of the most recognized medical institutions in the country.
The controversy over Senate Bill 1134 is generated mainly because it would be claimed that the doctors who have not gone through the required training process, can receive a “specialist” certificate and generate representation by creating state residences without going through the regular accreditation processes.
(See also: Puerto Rico Medical Societies Oppose Senate Bill 1134)
It is worth mentioning that the project leyIt would also eliminate the requirement of a bachelor’s degree in science or pre-medical science to obtain a license to practice the profession of surgeon or osteopath on the Island.
Experts consider that the project would not solve the problems of the health system
On the subject, Dr. Hernández expressed through her social networks that; “unfortunately our government continues to patch up the island’s problems that in the end will end up throwing our health system into the abyss. And the final result will be the emigration of professionals who come from accredited institutions. Regrettable indeed. NO TO PROJECT 1134. Specialties are not given away, you don’t play with your health!”
As soon as it was announced that the approval of the bill is being contemplated in the legislative chambers, the majority of doctors Puerto Rico has expressed its opposition to the Project, expressing itself through its social networks, interviews and opinion columns.
“Senate Project 1134: Unacceptable. Do not play with the health of the people anymore. To obtain a specialty or subspecialty degree, you must meet the standards that are required of all doctors in the nation. Also keep the title. We cannot create a subclass of specialists. We would be the only jurisdiction in the United States with this practice,” said Dr. Hernández.
The measure would increase the exodus of doctors and health professionals
For the doctors and representatives of medical societies, the excellence of the residency programs and the quality of patient care is at stake with the approval of the measure. In addition, they refer that this would aggravate the crisis of the exodus of health professionals that Puerto Rico is going through.
(He is interested in: “Lowering standards will only lead us to injustice”)
“Make the insurers award contracts to graduating specialists and subspecialists and stop firing those without just cause.” doctors. I find it incredible that lowering quality standards is being discussed so as not to address the real problems that make doctors emigrate,” emphasized the endocrinologist.
For the expert, the legislature is aware of the current situation that leads the doctors emigrate from the Island, therefore, it does not understand the role of insurers in hiring new specialists who have local residences, as the project proposes.
“If some insurers say they have enough specialists and don’t accept new specialists or drag their feet to hire them, I don’t understand how to create Creole residences or grant titles to doctors without preparation will help”, commented.