Dr. Khaled Gamal Taha Imam: Understanding Mental Health and Well-being for a Fulfilling Life

2024-01-10 22:38:26

Dr.. Khaled Gamal Taha Imam

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables a person to cope with life’s stresses, fulfill their potential, learn and work well, and contribute to their community. It is an integral part of health and safety that supports our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, establish relationships, and shape the world in which we live. Mental health is not limited to the absence of psychological disorders. Mental health depends on your doing positive actions and avoiding negative ones. Therefore, it is important to know that “there is no health without mental health,” and as the American motivational writer Louisa Hay says: Imagine that your thoughts are like drops of water. One drop may not mean anything, but the more it comes to you. Many successive thoughts as the drop grows and turns into a spot, then into a puddle, then into a swamp, then into an ocean. So what type of ocean do you create for yourself with your thoughts? Is it a nasty, deadly and poisonous swamp, or is it a beautiful blue ocean full of life? Among the things that destroy mental health are neglecting your appearance, comparison with others, exaggeration in all situations, rapid attachment to others, loss of will and determination, repression, ignoring your feelings, constantly flogging and blaming oneself, a lot of doubt, grumbling, and complaining, frequent use of social media, being with negative people, being overly sensitive to any word, not planning well for your life’s affairs, and taking too much food. From eating fast food and not looking for perfection because it does not exist, leaving the affairs of your life to luck, frequent procrastination, monitoring and criticizing others, hasty judgment of them, not accepting reality, the past, and oneself, lack of tolerance, a lot of anger and irritability for the simplest reasons, not setting boundaries between yourself and others, or your life and work, and not saying no to others out of consideration for your feelings. Subjectivity. As for things that improve mental health, they include setting boundaries, going for a walk, writing down your feelings, learning, achieving, reading, dealing well with stress, watching the sunrise, taking a nap, stretching your body, breathing deeply, going out into nature, playing, planning some entertainment, getting some rest, thinking about the day, and closing the door. The past and ask for help if you need it. Everyone stumbles on their way. You prepare your favorite food, watch your favorite program, take care, forgive, love, appreciate yourself, and be certain that God decrees good for you in all matters. Therefore, you are reassured and communicate with others, (and you create strong relationships with people) who They can support you and maintain it. And as the Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, explained in the principles of tolerant Islam through which a person achieves his psychological health, including: feeling secure when achieving these things that were mentioned in the hadith: On the authority of Salamah bin Ubayd Allah bin Muhsin Al-Khatmi, on the authority of his father, who was a companion of him: He said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: May God bless him and grant him peace: “Whoever among you wakes up safe in his flock, healthy in his body, and has the sustenance for his day, it is as if the world had been given to him.” Narrated by Al-Tirmidhi, who said it is a good hadith. May God grant us and you good psychological health. One day a young young man felt dissatisfied with what was happening around him. So he went to his teacher to express his suffering. The teacher advised him to put a handful of salt in a cup of water and then drink it. The young man returned home and did what the teacher advised him to do. He returned the next day and the teacher asked him: How did the water taste?! The young man said while spitting: It was very salty. The teacher laughed lightly and then asked him to take the same handful of salt and put it in the lake. The two walked quietly towards the lake, and when the young man threw the handful of salt into the lake, the teacher said to him, “Now drink from the lake,” and while drops of water were falling from his chin, he asked him: How do you taste it? The young man said: It is refreshing. The teacher asked: Have you tasted salt? The young man replied: No. Here the teacher advised the young man, saying, “The pain of life is like pure salt, more and less. The amount of pain in life remains exactly the same, but the amount of suffering we can take depends on the capacity in which we put the pain. So when we feel suffering and pain, all you can do is expand your understanding.” And your sense of things, do not be like a cup, but rather be like a river flowing.

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