Dr. Carolina Chópite: “For me the important thing is to serve”

Professional with 42 years of experience in medicine, mother of two professional children and visionary who has always been clear that her place is in Venezuela.

Developing as a professional, continuing her ongoing training and raising her children with assertive parenting are the greatest achievements of Dr. Carolina Chópite de Casado.

Nobody told her that it would be easy to make a career in the world of medicine, with all the 24/7 jogging that her specialty demands, and also to be able to be a mother.

Graduated from the Universidad de Oriente (UDO) Bolívar, she specialized in Family Medicine at the University of Toronto (Canada). Later she did Pediatrics and then Pediatric Critical Medicine and “it was what I dedicated myself to for 30 years, doing intensive care shifts in all the city’s clinics, caring for newborns, premature babies, big children with accidents, with serious illnesses.”

With 42 years of experience, this respected professional in Ciudad Guayana and Venezuela, born in the state of Sucre (Cumaná); her today she reveals to us some details of her personal experience.

always positive

“I had my first daughter when I was applying for my second postgraduate degree. And I started that postgraduate degree when she was a month and a half old, with high academic demand, shifts 4 or 5 days a day, 24 hours a day, and it’s difficult. Fortunately, you always had a family, an aunt, your mother, helped you. And so I was able to have my daughter while she was doing her postgraduate degree, ”recalls Chópite de Casado.

He adds that: “Already my second son, I had him seven years later. He had done that postgraduate degree and one more in Critical Medicine. And I decided to have another child and stayed with him longer. I spent three years not on duty, because it had been a high-risk pregnancy, because he had been very ill with lupus.”

And yes, to that challenge of leading a professional career and fulfilling herself as a mother was also added the ability to treat the disease: today she is in full health and feels very well.

“I was not affected by important organs such as the kidney, but my quality of life was greatly reduced, my professional performance was being compromised because I had joint pain, fatigue, all those symptoms,” he explains.

“That’s why I withdrew from intensive care and took some time for myself. I did a master’s degree in Philosophy at UCAB Guayana, mention in Argumentation Theory”, she adds.

A path of challenges

A doctor mom has a thousand anecdotes to share. “Many December 24s at the Puerto Ordaz Clinic or at the maternity unit, doing shifts with my husband and my small children who came to accompany us to receive the New Year together or Christmas; while I had a critical patient there,” she relates.

She points out that “it is not easy, to develop successfully in medicine, when one is a woman and is dedicated to certain specialties”, however, she does not consider it impossible.

“I feel satisfied with my children, my 3-year-old grandson Santiago, and my life. I had the opportunity to end up doing something that I wanted to do and that I had pending to focus medicine from another point of view, even though I did it for myself, my husband told me: well, are you going to keep all this for yourself? ? And so the Katau Clinic was born”, values ​​the doctor, who also has a master’s degree in Anti-Aging Medicine that she studied in Barcelona, ​​Spain.

Clear goals

She motivates other women to have goals, objectives and of course not to neglect their family or their health.

“If possible. That the specialty (medical) influences how much you want to stand out. For me it is not important to stand out, for me the important thing is to serve”, she underlines.

“For me it is important that every day I receive a patient who is referred by another patient. That they receive treatment from him, that he tells you ‘I feel better, I have recovered from my chronic illnesses’, is my greatest satisfaction”, points out the specialist in Functional and Orthomolecular Medicine.

“Venezuela moves me to serve. I am Venezuelan, my life is here. I have had the opportunity to run clinics in Abu Dhabi, in Argentina, where I have had interesting offers; but I think that here I am useful and I can give more”, she affirms.


Instagram: @katauclinica

Katau Anti-Aging Clinic

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