The Legislative Body (Baleg) of the DPR agreed to draft DPR regulations on awarding awards to legislators. The awards are given at the end of the term of office.
“Can the results of the preparation and discussion of the draft regulation of the Indonesian House of Representatives on the awarding of awards to members of the Indonesian House of Representatives at the end of their membership period be further processed in accordance with the laws and regulations. Agreed?” asked Baleg Chairman Wihadi Wiyanto at the DPR Baleg Meeting Room, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, today.
All meeting participants agreed. Chairman of the DPR Regulation Working Committee (Panja) on Awards, Willy Aditya, said that devotion and loyalty in fighting for the people’s aspirations need to be appreciated. That is the basis for the need for awards for legislators.
That basis made the DPR Baleg create a working committee to discuss awards for DPR members. The working committee meeting has been running on September 17-18, 2024.
Willy also revealed a number of things that have been agreed upon in Baleg. First, the award consists of a charter and pin given to all members of the DPR.
The award pin is a non-gold metal object. It is star-shaped, and its surface has the DPR logo and membership period.
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“DPR members who have completed or not completed their membership period unless the person concerned dies or is dismissed for violating the oath, office promise and code of ethics of the DPR RI or is found guilty based on a court decision that has obtained permanent legal force due to a criminal act,” explained Willy.
Second, the awarding of the award is carried out by handing over the charter and pinning the pin symbolically by the DPR leadership. Third, Willy continued, in addition to members, the award charter can also be given to support system personnel.
This support system consists of the DPR state civil apparatus (ASN), the DPR Secretariat General, and expert staff in the DPR’s supporting apparatus and expert staff from the factions.
“Fourth, the award in the DPR RI regulations is given starting from the 2019-2024 DPR membership period,” said Willy. (P-2)
#DPR #Approves #Rules #Awarding #Members