DPR Approves Iffa Rosita, Afifuddin Retains KPU Leadership

KPU Chair”/>

KPU Member for Interim Replacement (PAW) Iffa Rosita at the Senayan Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/9/2024).(MI/Susanto)

KPU RI member August Mellaz confirmed that Mochammad Afifuddin will remain the permanent chairman after the DPR confirmed Iffa Rosita as a replacement member for Hasyim Asy’ari.

“The position is that the highest decision of the KPU is definitely in the plenary session. Now, Mr. Afif’s position is definitive,” said Mellaz in Jakarta, Tuesday (10/9/2024).

He explained that his party would coordinate regarding the division that would be filled by Iffa after the inauguration.

According to him, Iffa will fill the position of Head of the Legal and Supervision Division of the Indonesian KPU which was previously led by Afif.

“So the position of chairman is now definitively with Mr. Afif. Of course we will coordinate with Ms. Iffa later on the position of the division previously handled by Mr. Afif which will probably be discussed later,” he said.

In addition, Mellaz said that the KPU is currently focusing on the stages of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections which are currently underway.

Also read: Iffa Rosita Becomes Commissioner, Chairman of KPU RI Remains Mochammad Afifuddin

“So now there are six of us at the KPU, waiting for seven of us, Mbak Iffa. Of course, there will be more focus on how to then organize the stages of the regional elections whose dynamics and situations are also not simple,” explained Mellaz.

Previously, the 6th Plenary Meeting of the Indonesian House of Representatives for Session Period I of the 2024-2025 Session Year approved Iffa Rosita to become a commissioner of the Indonesian General Election Commission for the 2022-2027 term, replacing Hasyim Asy’ari who was permanently dismissed by the Election Organizer Honorary Council.

“Can the report of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives on the determination of the interim replacement of KPU members for the 2022-2027 term be approved and determined?” asked the Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, which was answered in unison by the members of the council present at the parliament complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (10/9/2024).

Also read: KPU Prioritizes Consultation with DPR Before Revising Rules According to MK Decision

On that occasion, Puan, representing the leadership of the Indonesian House of Representatives, congratulated and hoped that Iffa could carry out her duties with integrity, trustworthiness, and professionalism.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Commission II of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Ahmad Doli Kurnia Tandjung, explained that the replacement of members of the Indonesian KPU was carried out based on the provisions of Article 37 paragraph (4) letter a of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.

“If one member of the KPU RI is dismissed, he/she will be replaced by the next ranked KPU RI member candidate from the election results conducted through deliberation and consensus by the DPR,” he explained.

He explained that the one who should have replaced Hasyim was Viryan Azis, not Iffa. “However, Viryan has passed away, so based on the next ranking number, which is ninth, the one who has the right to replace him is Iffa Rosita,” he concluded. (Ant/P-3)

#DPR #Approves #Iffa #Rosita #Afifuddin #Remains #Definitive #KPU #Chair

Indonesia election results⁤ 2024

Iffa ‌Rosita: The New Commissioner of the Indonesian General Election Commission

Iffa Rosita, a ​prominent figure in Indonesian politics, has recently been appointed as a commissioner of the ‍Indonesian General Election ​Commission ⁤(KPU) for the 2022-2027‌ term. ‌This‌ decision was ⁣made by the‍ Indonesian House of Representatives ​(DPR) during the 6th⁣ Plenary Meeting of the 2024-2025 Session Year, replacing Hasyim Asy’ari‌ who was permanently ‌dismissed⁣ by the Election Organizer⁢ Honorary ⁣Council [[3]].

As reported by Tempo.co, Iffa⁤ Rosita was officially confirmed as a​ commissioner of the ⁤KPU⁢ on⁢ September 10, 2024,⁤ and is expected to fill the position of ​Head of the Legal and Supervision Division of the Indonesian KPU, previously led by Mochammad Afifuddin [[1]].​ Afifuddin, however,⁢ will ⁢remain the permanent ⁢chairman of ⁢the KPU,⁣ as ‍confirmed by August ​Mellaz, a member ⁢of the ⁢KPU [[1]].

Background and‌ Profile

Iffa Rosita​ has an impressive‍ background‌ in politics, ‌having served ‌as a member of the KPU for two ​periods. Her profile⁣ and wealth have been extensively covered by Indonesian⁣ media outlets, including Kompas.com [[3]]. Rosita⁢ is⁢ also active on social media⁢ platforms, such as Instagram, where she has over 1,800 followers [[2]].

Challenges Ahead

As the new commissioner of⁤ the KPU, Iffa Rosita will face significant challenges, ​particularly in the context of the‍ 2024⁢ Simultaneous Regional⁣ Elections. August Mellaz emphasized that the KPU is currently focusing on the stages of the regional elections, which are already underway [[1]].‌ Rosita’s experience and expertise will be ⁣crucial in ensuring ‍the integrity and⁣ professionalism​ of the KPU during this critical period.


Iffa Rosita’s appointment as a ‌commissioner⁣ of the ​KPU marks a significant milestone in ⁣Indonesian politics. With her wealth of experience and expertise, she ⁣is expected to make a valuable contribution to the KPU and ensure the smooth conduct of the 2024 Simultaneous Regional ‌Elections. As the country moves forward, Rosita’s commitment to integrity,⁤ trustworthiness, and professionalism will be essential ​in maintaining the credibility ‌of the KPU and the electoral process as a whole.

Who will be the next president of Indonesia

Iffa Rosita: The New Commissioner of the Indonesian General Election Commission

Iffa Rosita, a prominent figure in Indonesian politics, has recently been appointed as a commissioner of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) for the 2022-2027 term. This decision was made by the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) during the 6th Plenary Meeting of the 2024-2025 Session Year, replacing Hasyim Asy’ari who was permanently dismissed by the Election Organizer Honorary Council [[3]].

As reported by Tempo.co, Iffa Rosita was officially confirmed as a commissioner of the KPU on September 10, 2024, and is expected to fill the position of Head of the Legal and Supervision Division of the Indonesian KPU, previously led by Mochammad Afifuddin [[1]]. Afifuddin, however, will remain the permanent chairman of the KPU, as confirmed by August Mellaz, a member of the KPU [[1]].

Background and Profile

Iffa Rosita has an impressive background in politics, having served as a member of the KPU for two periods. Her profile and wealth have been extensively covered by Indonesian media



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