Dozens of gang members are killed by police in Haiti

Dozens of alleged members of armed gangs have died this week in Gressier, a municipality located on the southern outskirts of Port-au-Prince, in clashes with the Haitian National Police (PNH), which has been working for weeks to expel the gangs.

As the interim mayor of Gressier, Jean Vladimir Bertrand, informed journalists this Thursday, some of the bodies of alleged bandits found in the Nan 12 area had been buried in ditches dug by the communal council, while the inhabitants of some areas, including They were Petit Boucan, they trapped the wounded and then burned them.

Bertrand, who for weeks has been asking the police authorities for help in the face of the gang invasion, said that the Police have also recovered firearms and ammunition belonging to the gangs.

In addition, he announced that the agents released more than twenty women who were kidnapped for several days and who were raped by members of armed gangs.

The interim mayor regretted that these women, who had been kidnapped while they were aboard vehicles on National Highway 2 heading south, could not receive treatment after their release due to the lack of hospitals in the commune.

On the other hand, the gangs that control Cité Soleil, the largest shanty town in the country located in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince, have signed peace, which has been welcomed by residents of the 34 areas affected by violence. of those groups, including Brooklyn, Belekou and Boston.

Dozens of protective walls that had been erected to protect residents have been torn down as a sign that normality is returning to this commune, where people live in inhumane conditions without basic services such as water and electricity.

The end of hostilities comes after four years of war between rival gangs, interspersed with periods of truce.

These conflicts have left hundreds dead, dozens injured and thousands displaced, in addition to dozens of women raped.

It is not the first time that the Cité Soleil gangs have signed a peace treaty, a calm that usually lasts only a few months before clashes and conflicts intensify again in the commune.

#Dozens #gang #members #killed #police #Haiti
2024-07-29 08:51:59



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