Download wallpapers with the internal layouts of the iPhone 15 Pro [Max]

2023-11-28 22:00:00

It’s been a few months since the line iPhone 15 was made available for sale by Appleand now the very talented Basic Apple Guy concluded (and made available) successfully create your traditional wallpapers with the internal layouts of the models Pro.

According to the designer, the wallpaper project began with the announcement of the new devices and intensified, of course, when they could be opened and photographed by the iFixit staff.

Although the iPhones 15 Pro have many similar components to the previous year’s models, minor differences caused the designer to redesign most of the parts from scratch — with a few exceptions, such as a small section of the front camera module.

One of the biggest challenges was redesigning the logic board, as it faces downwards and away from the rear surface of the device — which required more complex work than that done with the other components.

Here are the direct links to the wallpapers:

iPhone 15 Pro

iPhone 15 Pro Max

The wallpapers, once again, were made available free of charge by the designer, but there are a link so that you can support him if he wants to recognize his work more emphatically. ????

#Download #wallpapers #internal #layouts #iPhone #Pro #Max

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