Downburst in Orentano, trees and road signs knocked down – CASCINA news

Downburst in Orentano in the late afternoon of August 28, branches and road signs felled. Mini: “Civil protection intervened immediately, this morning the operations to restore the municipality continue”


On the phenomenon registered to Orentano we received the note from Amateur Weather Network.

“As evidenced by the video published on the page, the phenomenon was a DOWNBURST and not a whirlwind or even a tornado.”

► READ ALSO: What Are Downbursts: Everything You Need to Know About This Violent Weather Phenomenon

This is the press release from the Mayor of Castelfranco di Sotto

In the late afternoon yesterday (August 28) a small tornado hit Orentano, a hamlet in the municipality of Castelfranco di Sotto, causing some damage. The problems were mostly caused by branches of trees that fell on the road and by the poles of road signs and street nomenclature that were torn off. The event did not last long but the problem was the intensity and violence of the wind.
On site, as soon as the civil protection was alerted, the mayor Fabio Mini also arrived, who made himself available, trying to coordinate the most urgent interventions of the civil protection and planning the work of the municipality in the small emergency, which began this morning. “Fortunately no one was hurt – explains the mayor Fabio Mini – having learned of the matter with the civil protection, in particular with the Croce Bianca of Orentano, which I thank for their availability and for the timeliness with which they operated, we immediately got to work. The first objective was to remove the branches that had fallen to the ground to free the roads and in any case remove the vegetation that could constitute a danger or obstacle, then since this morning the municipal staff has been working to restore the poles and other street furniture that were damaged by the fury of the wind”.

Mayor Fabio Mini



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