Dow plunges 400 points after Biden warns of near-exploding Russia-Ukraine war

Reporters reported that The Dow Jones Index continues to fall. Most recently, it plummeted more than 400 points amid concerns that Russia was close to attacking Ukraine.

At 10:01 p.m. Thai time, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was 34,475.02 points, minus 459.25 points, or 1.31%.

The share price fell in all groups today. Led by a financial group that sank nearly 2%.

as a result ofPresident Joe Biden It said there was now a very high risk that Russia would attack Ukraine. And this will happen in just a few days.

“Russia continues to deploy troops near the Ukrainian border. And we have reason to believe that they are staging an attack on Ukraine,” Biden told reporters at the White House.

Mr Anthony Blingen, US Secretary of State It will deliver a statement to the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) today as Russia is expected to attack Ukraine at any moment.

Blingen will make a statement to the UNSC at 10:00 a.m. US time or 10:00 p.m. Thai time.

Mrs. Linda Thomas-Greenfield The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations said Mr Blingen would address the currently worrisome situation in Ukraine.

“There is evidence that Russia is on the verge of attacking Ukraine. This is a very important moment. And that’s why Minister Blingen has come to New York to insist on using our diplomatic approach to ease the crisis. and tell the world that we will do whatever it takes to prevent war,” Ms Thomas-Greenfield said.

Tensions in the Ukrainian crisis have increased. While there are concerns that Russia is using the incidents of clashes between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels in the Donbas region. as an excuse to attack Ukraine

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russia was concerned and was monitoring the situation of violence in the Donbas region. After reports of clashes between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels in the region.

Earlier, the Russian official news agency RIA reported that Ukrainian troops have attacked rebels in the Donbas region. This is considered a ceasefire zone under the Minsk Agreement.

The Ukrainian military denied the news. While the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry stated that Pro-Russian rebels in Donbas have attacked a village in eastern Ukraine. which has caused damage to the houses of the people

“We call on all sides to condemn Russia’s violation of the Minsk Agreement. amid the current stressful situation,” Ukraine’s foreign ministry said in a statement.

The United States warned that Russia is actively investigating and staging to create conditions for an attack on Ukraine at any moment.

for the Duma which is the House of Representatives of Russia It had previously approved a bill certifying the status of an independent state of the Donetsk-Luhansk People’s Republic. which is located in the Donbas region of Ukraine in which the majority of the people are sympathetic to Russia

Duma chairman Yacheslav Volodin said the bill would be passed on to President Vladimir. Putin immediately to sign it into law. This will ensure the status of an independent and sovereign state of the Donetsk-Luhansk People’s Republic.

“Ukraine has not complied with the Minsk Agreement. While our people in Donbas need help. and protect from external threats This will also create stability in the region,” Volodin said.

However, if President Putin officially approves the law It will create a new conflict over the crisis in Ukraine. Due to the recognition of the status of an independent state of the Donetsk-Luhansk People’s Republic This will be regarded as tearing up the Minsk Agreement. which aims to end the separatist war in Donbas After killing 15,000 separatists and Ukrainian troops



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