Doukas to Bakoyannis: “Enough with your blind revanchism” – 2024-08-03 13:06:07

Doukas to Bakoyannis: “Enough with your blind revanchism”
 – 2024-08-03 13:06:07

With a “sharp” statement, the Mayor of Athens, Haris Doukas, recommends seriousness and responsibility to the former Mayor, Kostas Bakoyannis, attributing to him that he is trying to create false impressions, knowing that the services of the Municipality of Athens cannot and should not reveal the locations of battered women during August.

Haris Doukas accuses Kostas Bakoyannis of blind revanchism and emphasizes that:

“Mr. Bakoyiannis plays among the players.

He is trying in an unacceptable way to create false impressions, knowing that we are not allowed to reveal the place where the abused women will be accommodated during the month of August.

It shows irresponsibility for their protection, thus ignorance of basic rules of humanity and empathy.

He repeats the mistakes of his faction, reminding us of the Minister who made public the whereabouts of the 12-year-old girl from Colonos.

We, from the first moment, informed that the women will be accommodated together with their children in a safe place. Our proposal, in fact, was put together following the recommendation of a special scientific committee and was warmly welcomed by them.

Mr. Bakoyannis, you must speak clearly.

You want us to say where the battered women will be?

Do you want their abusers to be able to find them?’

We hope not.

Finally show some seriousness and responsibility.

Enough with your blind revanchism, on such sensitive issues.”

#Doukas #Bakoyannis #blind #revanchism

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