Doukas-Papandreou: In Paris for the Olympics, what did they say about internal parties – 2024-07-27 10:16:01

Doukas-Papandreou: In Paris for the Olympics, what did they say about internal parties
 – 2024-07-27 10:16:01

In Paris, guests of the mayor of the city, Ann Hidalgo, are the mayor of Athens Harry Doukas and the former prime minister and vice president of the International Olympic Truce Center, George Papandreou.

The two Greek politicians visited the facilities of the event, talked to volunteers and workers and offered them souvenirs from the Athens Olympic Games in 2004.

Afterwards, Haris Doukas and Giorgos Papandreou had lunch away from the public eye at a well-known brasserie near the Champs-Élysées, with the menu including, as expected, the events taking place ahead of the internal party elections of PASOK for the election of the party’s president in October 6 and 13.

In his post on social media, Haris Doukas said:

“The countdown to the start of the Olympic Games in the City of Light has begun!
Guest of the Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo and together with pr. Prime Minister and Vice President of the International Olympic Truce Center, George A. Papandreou spoke with volunteers and workers in the organization of the top sporting event.
We shared souvenirs from the Athens Olympic Games and wished them success.
The Greek athletes have the wishes of all of us!
From France,
let’s go to Greece!”

#DoukasPapandreou #Paris #Olympics #internal #parties



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