Doubts Mount Over Kaesang Probe in KPK

KPK Will Process Kaesang Case”/>
KPK Logo (MI / Susanto)

The statement by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Commissioner Nawawi Pomalango who had difficulty meeting President Joko Widodo and the comparison of the president’s treatment of mass organizations and the KPK is considered an indication of indifference towards the anti-corruption agency.

According to the General Chairperson of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) Muhammad Isnur, the statement indicates that the KPK under the current and future leadership may not process cases involving the President’s family, including the case of his son, Kaesang.

“Nawawi’s statement shows that the president seems to want to ensure that the KPK will not interfere with him and his family, including in the Kaesang case. This indicates that the case may not be processed by the KPK at this time and possibly in the future, especially if the KPK leaders who are elected are problematic people,” he said in Jakarta, Saturday (14/9).

Isnur also criticized the KPK leadership which was considered inconsistent and ignored important issues such as human rights (HAM) and the environment. According to him, this attitude was clearly seen from the appointment of KPK leaders who were considered problematic and the selection of candidates for leadership and the KPK supervisory board who were considered not to meet standards.

“Since the beginning of the problematic KPK leadership, we have felt a lack of concern for human rights and environmental issues. Now, the signal shown is that there is interference in the selection of KPK leaders who are people chosen by the president,” Isnur stressed.

Isnur added that the appointment of unclean leaders and the related issues that were ignored showed that there were political interests that dominated the reform process and supervision of anti-corruption institutions. (Z-8)

#LBH #Pessimistic #KPK #Process #Kaesang #Case

What does ⁤Nawawi Pomalango’s recent statement suggest about KPK’s future in combating corruption?

Indifference towards Anti-Corruption Agency: KPK’s Future Uncertain

The recent statement by​ Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Commissioner Nawawi ⁢Pomalango has sparked concerns about the agency’s future and its ability to tackle⁢ corruption cases, especially those ​involving the President’s family. The General Chairperson of the Indonesian⁣ Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), Muhammad Isnur, has expressed pessimism‍ about the KPK’s willingness to process the case of President Joko Widodo’s son, Kaesang, and other high-profile⁤ corruption cases.

Nawawi’s Statement: A Sign of Indifference

Nawawi Pomalango’s statement, ‌in which he mentioned difficulty ​in ​meeting President Joko Widodo, has been seen as an indication of the President’s disinterest in the anti-corruption‍ agency. This lack of support from the highest authority has raised concerns ‍about the KPK’s ability to operate independently and effectively. Isnur believes ⁢that the President’s treatment of mass organizations and the KPK is a clear indication of his disregard for the agency.

Kaesang’s Case: A Test for KPK’s Independence

The case⁤ of Kaesang, President Joko Widodo’s son, has been a topic of discussion for some time.​ With‍ the KPK’s ‌current leadership and⁣ future leaders being seen as ​problematic, Isnur fears that the⁤ case may not be ⁤processed by the agency. This lack of action would send a wrong signal about the agency’s commitment to tackling corruption, regardless of the individual’s ​status.

Inconsistent Leadership and Ignoring Important Issues

Isnur has ⁢also criticized the KPK leadership for being inconsistent and neglecting important issues such as human rights (HAM) and the environment. The appointment of problematic leaders and the selection of candidates for leadership positions have raised questions about the agency’s priorities and commitment to ‌fighting corruption.

A Weakened KPK: A Threat to Indonesia’s Anti-Corruption Efforts

The KPK has been instrumental in tackling corruption in Indonesia, and any weakening of‌ the ⁤agency would undermine the country’s anti-corruption efforts. With the agency’s ‌future uncertain, Indonesia’s fight against corruption is at risk of being compromised. The lack of support from the‌ government and the appointment of problematic ‌leaders could lead to a decline in the‍ agency’s effectiveness and independence.


The statement by KPK Commissioner Nawawi Pomalango has⁣ raised ⁤concerns about the agency’s ability to tackle corruption cases, especially those involving⁣ high-profile individuals. The ‌lack ​of ​support from‍ the government⁣ and the‌ appointment of problematic leaders have undermined the agency’s independence and effectiveness. As Indonesia’s anti-corruption agency, the KPK must be⁤ allowed to operate independently and without ​fear or favor.‌ Any weakening of the agency would be a setback for Indonesia’s fight against corruption.

Keywords: ‍ KPK, Corruption Eradication Commission, Nawawi Pomalango, Muhammad Isnur, ⁢Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation, YLBHI, ⁤Kaesang,​ President Joko Widodo, anti-corruption agency, Indonesia, corruption cases.

At risk.

Indifference towards Anti-Corruption Agency: KPK’s Future Uncertain

The recent statement by Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Commissioner Nawawi Pomalango has sparked concerns about the agency’s future and its ability to tackle corruption cases, especially those involving the President’s family. The General Chairperson of the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI), Muhammad Isnur, has expressed pessimism about the KPK’s willingness to process the case of President Joko Widodo’s son, Kaesang, and other high-profile corruption cases.

Nawawi’s Statement: A Sign of Indifference

Nawawi Pomalango’s statement, in which he mentioned difficulty in meeting President Joko Widodo, has been seen as an indication of the President’s disinterest in the anti-corruption agency. This lack of support from the highest authority has raised concerns about the KPK’s ability to operate independently and effectively. Isnur believes that the President’s treatment of mass organizations and the KPK is a clear indication of his disregard for the agency.

Kaesang’s Case: A Test for KPK’s Independence

The case of Kaesang, President Joko Widodo’s son, has been a topic of discussion for some time. With the KPK’s current leadership and future leaders being seen as problematic, Isnur fears that the case may not be processed by the agency. This lack of action would send a wrong signal about the agency’s commitment to tackling corruption, regardless of the individual’s status.

Inconsistent Leadership and Ignoring Important Issues

Isnur has also criticized the KPK leadership for being inconsistent and neglecting important issues such as human rights (HAM) and the environment. The appointment of problematic leaders and the selection of candidates for leadership positions have raised questions about the agency’s priorities and commitment to fighting corruption.

A Weakened KPK: A Threat to Indonesia’s Anti-Corruption Efforts

The KPK has been instrumental in tackling corruption in Indonesia, and any weakening of the agency would undermine the country’s anti-corruption efforts. With the agency’s future uncertain, Indonesia’s fight against corruption is at risk of being compromised. The lack of support from the government and the appointment of problematic leaders could lead to a decline in the agency’s effectiveness and independence.


The statement by KPK Commissioner Nawawi Pomalango has raised concerns about the agency’s ability to tackle corruption cases, especially those involving high-profile individuals. The lack of support from the government and the appointment of problematic leaders have raised doubts about the KPK’s commitment to fighting corruption. The agency’s future is uncertain, and Indonesia’s anti-corruption efforts are



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