Doubts and speculation two days after the raid on the Russian yacht Flying Fox

At noon on Friday, several agents of the Public Ministry, Customs, military forces and part of the personnel of the Office of Homeland Security Investigations of the United States (HSI), Flying Fox yacht raided.

This boat, owned by a Russian oligarch, remains anchored in the port of Sans Soucí since last March 21.

On the first day of April, the motor ship was intervened by the authorities as part of their investigation “on alleged money laundering and arms trafficking“, according to a statement from the MP.

After several hours of official search, nothing was known regarding the findings of this inspection and even access to the area was restricted to the media.

On Saturday the authorities continued for the second day in a row their inspection work.

Just like the first day the pass to the press was denied. However, from the outskirts of the port, journalists from LISTÍN DIARIO were able to corroborate how regarding five agents representing the Attorney General’s Office arrived at the boat following 8:30 in the morning.

The second investigation was carried out with authorization 0094 -March-2022 issued by the coordinator of the investigating courts.

After almost four hours of judicial inspection on the luxurious yacht, the Dominican authorities were caught leaving from inside the boat with a scanner marca Heurisis.

It should be noted that this device is designed to check, by means of x-rays, the bulkheads, hulls and holds of ships in search of drugs, money and hidden holes where the aforementioned can be stored.

However, there was also no statement to the media regarding what was found during the search.

While the Dominican judicial organisms maintain a thick secrecy around the results of his inspection, the speculations of the population on this subject take force.

The element that has aroused the most suspicion regarding the raid is the role played by United States in said process.

According to the note released by the MP, the North American nation “has an investigation open once morest several targets engaged in money laundering on an international scale“.

Therefore, the order that authorizes the Dominican prosecuting body to carry out the search on the yacht is by virtue of formal legal cooperation with the United States of North America, for the international agreements to fight criminality and crime, signed by the Dominican Republic.



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